Profit First For Tradies
016: The Power Of Small Steps: How Profit First Can Help You Take Care Of Your Debt And Your Future
April 24, 2023
Are you struggling with debt and feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of trying to get your finances in order? If so, you're not alone. Many people find it difficult to get on top of their debt and build a secure financial future. In this episode of Profit First For Tradies, I talk about the power of small steps and how Profit First can help you take control of your debt and secure your financial future. Debt can be a heavy burden that weighs down not only our finances but also our overall well-being. It can feel overwhelming and insurmountable, leaving us unsure of where to begin or how to make progress. However, the power of small steps should not be underestimated. By taking small but consistent actions towards debt reduction and financial stability, we can gain momentum and achieve our goals.
Are you struggling with debt and feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of trying to get your finances in order? If so, you're not alone. Many people find it difficult to get on top of their debt and build a secure financial future. 

In this episode of Profit First For Tradies, I talk about the power of small steps and how Profit First can help you take control of your debt and secure your financial future. 

Debt can be a heavy burden that weighs down not only our finances but also our overall well-being. It can feel overwhelming and insurmountable, leaving us unsure of where to begin or how to make progress. 

However, the power of small steps should not be underestimated. By taking small but consistent actions towards debt reduction and financial stability, we can gain momentum and achieve our goals.

In this episode of the Profit First for Tradies, you’ll learn the following:

To sum up, taking small but consistent steps is a powerful strategy for achieving financial stability and getting out of debt. By leveraging the Profit First framework, we can put these principles into action and make steady progress towards our financial goals.

If you haven’t listened to our previous episode about Maximising Your Profitability - How to Implement Profit First Without Overwhelming Your Accountant or Bookkeeper, go back and check out Episode 015. 


“Once you have that debt under control, everything else seems so much simpler and so much more manageable.” -Katie Crismale-Marshall

“Most of the time, it's a number of small steps that have the biggest impact.” -Katie Crismale-Marshall

“Don't let your debt determine what is going to happen in your business.” -Katie Crismale-Marshall


