Positive Solutions 4 Life-Transforming Your Mind & Body from the Inside Out
The Power of Your Thoughts with Tiffany O'Hearn
June 14, 2024
Tiffany O'Hearn is an Energetic Healer and 13 Sidereal Astrologer. She uses the energies of the client or group to guide her sessions to help her clients through clearing their programs, decisions, and traumas, using various healing modalities, including TFT (Thought Field Therapy). She conducts workshops and healing circles, is a public speaker, and future TEDx speaker.

Tiffany talks about how the most powerful energy in the universe is our thoughts. When our thoughts are negative, our energy is low. When are thoughts are positive, we have a high vibrating frequency. Our thoughts and words program us, and can create wounds and traumas in us that can get stuck in our cells, blocking energy from flowing, creating negative feelings and low energy. 

The first step to clearing wounds, shifting or changing your negative thoughts is to 
1. Put space between your thoughts. 
2. Honor or acknowledge your thoughts.
3. Create a 'Happy Place' in your mind. A place you can go whenever you want to feel good.
4. Breathing through the belly to help with focusing on the now.
5. Create joy in your life. Get outside, connect with nature. 

Connect with Tiffany:

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