Ep#54: The Importance of Self-Leadership, feat Prof Mihaela Plugarasu
Fifty Hitting 50
Ep#54: The Importance of Self-Leadership, feat Prof Mihaela Plugarasu
April 18, 2022
This week, I'm speaking with Professor Mihaela Plugarasu about the concept of self-leadership, and how it impacts not just our current professional abilities, but also how it can potentially change the trajectory of future generations.
If Mihaela's work resonated with you, please take time to read about what she does, and connect with her to find out more.

You can  connect with Mihaela on Linked In.

During her Self-Leadership course, which takes place over 2 experiential weekends, Mihaela helps participants to develop
  1. Increased levels of self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  2. Improved performance in achieving professional and personal goals.
  3. Use evidence-based techniques to effectively replace self- limiting beliefs.
  4. Communicate effectively by stating the facts, expressing feelings, identifying needs, and making requests.

If you'd like to find out more about Mihaela's Conscious Parenting work, check it out here: