Heartfelt Awakening Radio with Deni Van
March 4, 2022
This episode is about “Spiritual Bypassing” and what it means. Spiritual bypassing is when people use their spirituality as a way of avoiding their psychological issues. It is a form of denial or gaslighting.
This episode is about “Spiritual Bypassing” and what it means.
Spiritual bypassing is when people use their spirituality as a way of avoiding their psychological issues. It is a form of denial or gaslighting. When we bypass our problems, we use spirituality as a way to escape from reality, instead of dealing with the things that bother us. We sometimes do this so much that we forget what motivated us to seek out spirituality in the first place, and sometimes, spiritual bypassing can actually hurt ourselves and others because it blocks us from making changes in our lives and dealing with our real problems.

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