Present and Sober
Where Have all my Friends Gone?
August 14, 2023
So you've made the leap and you're loving so much about alcohol-free life! But some of your friends are taking a while to warm to the change or you're worried about your social life in the years ahead. Boy have we got an episode for you...
So you've made the leap and you're loving so much about alcohol-free life but some of your friends are taking a while to warm to the change or you're worried about your social life in the years ahead. Boy have we got an episode for you...

Present and Sober Podcast 
Episode 116
Where have all my Friends Gone?

Check out Sam's solo project the 'Rebel Spirituality' podcast here...

Don't forget to...

And now for that disclaimer...

Nothing on the Present & Sober podcast, including Ellie, Sam's, and our guest's opinions, is a substitute for medical advice. Don’t stop drinking suddenly if you’re physically dependent on alcohol. Seek help for any withdrawal symptoms from a medical professional.