You Will Be Loved by Dane Maxwell
Mike Couldn’t Find the Feeling of Safety - If you are feeling unsafe, this one is for you
November 14, 2023
In 2018, Mike Dillard was exposed to toxic mold, rendering him bed bound and inches from death. Over the past few years, he has been on a healing journey, physically, mentally, and spiritually. However, due to severe nervous system dysregulation, his body is now on high alert all the time, and he is experiencing Stage Four Adrenal Fatigue. The only way to solve this is to strengthen his parasympathetic nervous system.
In 2018, Mike Dillard was exposed to toxic mold, rendering him bed bound and inches from death. Over the past few years, he has been on a healing journey, physically, mentally, and spiritually. However, due to severe nervous system dysregulation, his body is now on high alert all the time, and he is experiencing Stage Four Adrenal Fatigue. The only way to solve this is to strengthen his parasympathetic nervous system.

Dane replies…
Picture a bird flying high in the sky,
It's got the twinkle in its eyes,
‘Cause its heart's beating and it knows it's light.
When, just five minutes ago,
Oh, his life could have been on the road,
But someone in a car was present, driving present,
And they slowed down not to hit this bird.
And then this bird fly high in the sky,
It laid some eggs and gave birth to many more cries,
And life went on, because someone was present and driving in their car along.
So you might be wondering, what the heck am I doing telling this story?
Well, aren't we all connected in this infinite glory?
Can you be alive and kind and present in your mind,
So you can honor life whenever you drive?
And now we turn to Mike Dillard,
We ask him to sit down now, because we've got messages for you,
Messages of truth.
You did so much, oh, from the place you were at,
But, oh, you knew how your unconscious arrogance grows.
Oh, we did not organize this tragedy for you,
But we are grateful for what it's made you into.
So now can you think of all the lives you will save,
Because you had the courage to save your own?
Can you think about all the lives you can help make,
And all the lives you already have?
You say you've got a new lease on life,
You've got a new lease on life,
‘Cause God is on your side.
Oh, you’ve got a new lease on life,
‘Cause God is on your side.
So we go into your nervous system now,
Down into the cells, deep and deep down,
We say the tenderest of prayers,
You can stop running ‘cause now there's care,
Oh, ‘cause now you know what's going on,
You don't need to save yourself ‘cause the saving is done,
Oh, you can slow on down, slow down.
You can slow on down, slow down.
And as the other part of you runs the town,
You can quite literally call it home,
And say “you don't need to run anymore,
‘Cause we’ve got the answers, oh, I know you're now sore.”

When you just took your breath,
Oh, could you feel that you were still on guard?
When you took your breath, could you feel that the fear has been large?
When you took your breath, could you feel that it was winding you up,
When it wants to wind you down?
So let's try again, breathe in now,
Breathe in slowly and gently,
Oh, breathe in peace,
‘Cause the longer you stay here, the better that you'll be.
The longer that you stay here, the more visions will you see.
Oh, the longer that you stay here, the people that you’ll meet.
And the longer that you stay here, oh, the dreams you will meet.
So now, as we finish up, let’s go on and fill up your soul’s cup.
Oh, I want you to picture now,
Millions smiling ‘cause you figured out how,
Oh, I could barely sing that line, ‘cause the emotion was so high
So, let me try again.
Picture now, millions smiling proud because Mike figured out how.
You were this close to dying,
Oh, and the thoughts they were frying, oh, your mind,
But still you fight on,
You’re gonna see your wife till she grows old,
See your kids and the mothers they can be born in,
You see your life you know now is not your own,
So live it for God and you’ll always be home.
You see your life is not your own,
You just live it for God and you’ll always be home.

Mike’s response:
“That's beautiful, brother. Thank you very much for that.”

Guest Response Quote:
“The part I think about, you know, obviously slowing down, but like there's no need to run, like the savings already done, type of thing, like that was powerful, man.”

“The brain and the body are two separate things, and my brain might know I'm safe, but my body still at times doesn't, and just hearing that reflected back from somebody else was really cool.”

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