The Community Corner with Beth McIntyre
Nourishing your Employee Communities with Laura Galbraith
December 16, 2021
Today, we’re joined by Laura Galbraith, Director of Community Impact at Vidyard, a video platform to help users create, manage, and optimize their video content with features for personalization and measurable video experiences. We all have an obligation, and we all have the privilege to give back to our communities in a very tangible way. If employees love the companies they work for, they will come forward and volunteer to help in various ways by leveraging their own communities. Having the executive team buy into the benefits of their community lays out the foundation and makes it easier to integrate the community into the rest of the company. Be open and responsive to new ideas from employees and other communities because, at the end of the day, a community that doesn’t respond to what members want is just a marketing forum. Statistically, if you have engaged employees, they're more likely to stay. If an employee volunteers in a leadership capacity, they're more likely to succeed as a leader within your organization. Start small with something you're familiar with - ideas such as product donations and volunteer time - and see where it takes you.

Learn more about Laura Galbraith:

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