That's Teaching Life
You're wealthy and living an abundant life - you just don't know it!
March 7, 2022
You are probably already living an abundant and wealthy life ....
You're listening to the That's Life podcast by Richard Butler where I talk about everything to do with life and how to make it better. Hey, welcome along to this week's podcast. 

You of course are listening to Richard Butler and today I want to talk about how to live a more abundant life because you know, I really feel that everybody should have security, peace of mind, love and overall joyfulness, but how can something that should be so second nature be so difficult to attain. I mean, a life filled with physical, emotional, spiritual and financial abundance should be something that we all aspire to and something that we all have. But as you definitely know, you know, our lives are so hectic. We often confuse or distract ourselves from achieving a life of abundance. But the power of our thoughts can transform our lives for the better if we know how to use it. 

So this is really good. Now, the first thing I want to tell you is wealth is good because a lot of the times we hear what to be wealthy is bad, but we all have to build wealth into our lives. But before we can build wealth, we have to understand that everyone's definition of wealth is different and this is key. It doesn't have to be making millions of dollars or millions of euros and flying on a private jet to one of your 10 houses by the beach. I mean it can be, but wealth can simply mean having a steady full time job where you earn enough money to give your family a safe place to sleep with nice food on the table and nice clothes to wear, it can also mean that you are fulfilled financially and emotionally as well. 

But you have to come up with the definition of what wealth is for you now, an important thing. Don't fool yourself by saying you don't care about material things and therefore you don't need to care too much about building wealth. Remember that wealth does not necessarily mean material wealth just because you desire wealth. It doesn't mean you have to be attached or attracted to money like a scrooge. You see you can be emotionally wealthy because of the positive relationships. You faster. You can be physically wealthy because of your vibrant health and you can be financially wealthy because of the money you have earned. Well simply isn't a monetary figure. Okay, so are we sure about that wealth is not just about money? As I said, it doesn't describe how much money you have. You can use the word to describe people in your life and your satisfaction with your life in general. If you have a really good relationship with your family, you're wealthy. If you love waking up in the morning and get satisfaction out of your job every day, you are wealthy. If you have friends who love you as their own family, you are wealthy. So living an abundant life simply means being happy in all in all that's really important all aspects of your life and having the resources to care for your family obviously won't be happy every minute of every day. But if you are usually well taken care of if your usually happy then you already have an abundant life. So let's talk about how to build wealth. 

Well the key to this is you need to carry a positive mindset in life if you wish to build the wealth you want and you deserve, you must believe that what you want can be attained, that you have the power to obtain it and that it will be delivered to you in your lifetime. Without this mindset, you're more likely to give up when times get tough. The first thing you should do is give gratitude for what you already have. So after this podcast, take time to write out everything that you have and you're grateful for the next thing you must do is to be able to love yourself. 

This is super important. You see you have to love yourself first. If you want to receive love from others, if you don't have love from others, you won't lead the life you desire and if you don't love yourself well how can others love you believe it or not, Some people don't know how to love themselves, but this is one area you must start in. You have to stop the negative talk about yourself. I mean if you don't believe in yourself, who will now you know we can't change the world unless we start by changing ourselves. It sounds a little bit cliche, but it is true. But if we change ourselves, we can change the whole world and if we change ourselves to the better, there's no reason why we can't or shouldn't live an abundant life. Now, the first step I said to you was to begin to love yourself. And then next week's podcast, I'm going to talk more about how to love yourself. 

And if you're not subscribed, make sure you do so now as you don't want to miss my next episode, I'll talk to you next week. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure that you subscribe and check out my website. Richard Butler dot coach. I'll see you next time.

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