A Change Mindset
Special Episode: Taming the Dragons of Fear
January 11, 2022
“Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure.” —Rainer Maria Rilka Sometimes what keeps us from the change we want to see in our life are the dragons of our deepest fears. In this special episode of “A Change Mindset,” we reflect on what we’ve learned about change from our guests so far. We explore how our guests tamed their dragons of fear and discover that three themes — purpose, self-trust and patience — can help us push through fear and face change head on. Follow us on Instagram: @achangemindset @junloveyoung
“Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure.”  —Rainer Maria Rilka

Sometimes what keeps us from the change we want to see in our life are the dragons of our deepest fears.

In this special episode of “A Change Mindset,” we reflect on what we’ve learned about change from our guests so far.

We explore how our guests tamed their dragons of fear and discover that three themes — purpose, self-trust and patience — can help us push through fear and face change head on.

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