Mind Witchery
Pisces New Moon / Virgo Full Moon Feat. Veronica Perretti
February 16, 2023
This lunation makes it super clear that endings and beginnings are completely intertwined. I’m so privileged to discuss the two sides of this coin with astrologer and yoga teacher Veronica Perretti.
This lunation makes it super clear that

endings and beginnings are completely intertwined.

I’m so privileged to discuss the two sides of this coin

with astrologer and yoga teacher Veronica Perretti,

who works with women looking for a little divine affirmation.


timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get a Time Witchery planner to help you integrate your New and Full Moon reflections.

Veronica’s website is https://www.veronicaperretti.com, where you’ll find her Online Yoga Club with its monthly New Moon and Full Moon Restorative Rituals. She hosts the Essential Astrocast, and she’s on Instagram @veronicaperretti.

Make Magic:

During this lunar cycle and beyond,

what makes you feel like the miracle you are?

And what does it look like to invest in that more? 

I don’t mean money — or at least not JUST money.

Investing means time. It means attention.

It means appreciation and prioritization.

How could you shift these precious, precious resources

so they’re helping you tend to your wellness and wholeness?

Transcript: Pisces New Moon / Virgo Full Moon Feat. Veronica Perretti