Fully Alive in Christ
Joseph and his Brother's Jealousy - Kim Butcher
February 14, 2021
In this message, Kim will be continued our series on the life of Joseph, focusing on the effects of JEALOUSY on his brother's hearts. Joseph’s brothers allowed their jealousy to grow inside them. They allowed the filter of how they saw life to be through this jealousy and it then grew to the point that they wanted to kill their brother. We may never get to that point - but the way we think of someone else or how we treat them can be just as bad. It is time that we kill Jealousy in our lives and walk with the Lord as He celebrates what is happening in those lives around us - and in our own life. Let’s choose to be aware of what is happening in our heart and bring it to the Lord. He wants to meet you in the exact place that you are in right now - and He wants you to be fully alive in this life! Watch this message and find out how to best counterattack jealousy in your life.