I.T. Overdrive
Good Judgment Comes from Experience; Experience Comes from Bad Judgment
July 21, 2021
Obviously we made plenty of mistakes as I'm sure any business, trial by fire learning. The technical side tends to be the easy part, it's running the business that tends to be the more difficult part, especially for us tech types. We just want to get in and play with computers. Today I'm sharing a story of a mistake I made early on in my business. Basically, with I.T. stuff, Murphy's Law seems to prevail. You know, "If it can go wrong, it will." And because of this, we have learned to budget in extra time for all of those unforeseen pieces of the project. Sometimes I call these "can of worms" deals, where you dive in, and one thing leads to another, and another, and so on. It's always going to take longer than you think, but we know that. And someone dealing with their own I.T. internally isn't going to account for this, and suddenly find themselves losing even more time, and more money. Listen in as I share a very educational experience and let me know if you've ever experienced something similar! Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/8
Obviously we made plenty of mistakes as I'm sure any business, trial by fire learning. The technical side tends to be the easy part, it's running the business that tends to be the more difficult part, especially for us tech types. We just want to get in and play with computers.

Today I'm sharing a story of a mistake I made early on in my business. Basically, with I.T. stuff, Murphy's Law seems to prevail. You know, "If it can go wrong, it will." And because of this, we have learned to budget in extra time for all of those unforeseen pieces of the project. Sometimes I call these "can of worms" deals, where you dive in, and one thing leads to another, and another, and so on.

It's always going to take longer than you think, but we know that. And someone dealing with their own I.T. internally isn't going to account for this, and suddenly find themselves losing even more time, and more money.

Listen in as I share a very educational experience and let me know if you've ever experienced something similar!

Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/8

Host info

Kelly Herrod, the founder and CEO of Herrod Technology, started the company in 2000 to provide simple IT solutions for small and mid-sized businesses. His personal approach, over 30 years experience and his ability to simplify IT sets him apart in the IT industry.

Website - https://herrodtech.com/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-herrod-27a1633/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/herrodtech
Email - kelly@herrodtech.com