Green Tea Conversations
Creating Health on the Go with Teresa Brenke
March 31, 2019
Meet Teresa Brenke, of Embrace Health. Teresa is a life coach, speaker, fitness and nutrition expert, and behavior modification, specialist. Teresa shares how she uses behavior modification techniques with her life and wellness coaching clients to achieve the results they desire and provides listeners with a special trial offer for her new online program, Create Health on the Go. Receive the trial program for just $29 (normally $49) with code GTC. Go to To learn more about the services Teresa offers, visit or call (612) 418-3801.

[00:00:03.530] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Good morning and welcome to Green Tea Conversations, the radio show that delves into the pages of Natural Awakenings magazine to bring the local experts who share their progressive ideas and the latest information and insights needed so you can lead your best life. I'm your host, Candi Broeffle, publisher of the Twin Cities edition of Natural Awakenings magazine, and I'm honored to bring these experts to you today in our studio, we are visiting with Teresa Brenke of Embrace Health. Teresa is a life coach, speaker, fitness and nutrition expert, and behavior modification, specialist.
[00:00:39.540] - Candi Broeffle, Host
She's also the creator of a new online program called Create Health on the Go. Welcome to the show  Teresa.
[00:00:45.600] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Thank you for having me, Candi.
[00:00:47.670] - Candi Broeffle, Host
It's exciting that you're here today. I also have to let our listeners know that Teresa and I are also friends. So this will be fun. Today. Today we're going to be talking about being in the fast lane. So as Americans, most of us, many of us, if not most of us, are burning the candle at both ends. We are busy with work commitments, engaging in our children's, school and extracurricular activities, and many of us are taking care of our aging loved ones. Add to that the commitments we have as our partners, with our friends and with our communities.
[00:01:23.070] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And it leaves very little time for ourselves. So when we talk about being in the fast lane today, what does FAST actually stand for? It's an acronym.
[00:01:32.970] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yes, it is. It stands for frustrated, anxious, stressed, and tired. And most of us don't know the statistics that are out there. But 40 million adults in the United States suffer from an anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. And one out of three of us suffers from poor sleep. Or only 20% of people feel like their quality of sleep is excellent. According to the American Psychological Association and the Mayo Clinic, I did a study and it said that sleep deprived people ended up eating 550 extra calories each day.

That's an extra pound a week.
[00:02:16.670] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Just from not getting enough sleep.
[00:02:18.380] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:02:19.390] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So I was really surprised to hear that one out of three people suffer from poor sleep. But actually, it makes sense. I think about even my own friends and family, who are they're always on Facebook or having conversations around sleep saying, I'm up at they'll do Facebook posts at 02:00 in the morning saying another night, I can't sleep or they haven't gotten to bed before midnight. They're not sleeping well during the night. And you know, what are some of the health risks that people can actually run into as a result of not getting enough sleep?
[00:02:55.780] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah, it's really well documented by now that sleep deprivation is linked to several health consequences like obesity and heart disease, anxiety, depression and diabetes. So there's no question about that. That's definitely linking to not getting enough sleep.
[00:03:17.280] - Candi Broeffle, Host
It's interesting when you said earlier that people eat about 550 calories more when they don't sleep and thinking, Gee, that's kind of interesting. I wonder why that is. But it makes sense, because if you're not feeling good sometimes if you're sleepy, if you feel low energy, we tend then to feel like if I eat something, maybe it's just me and my German grandmother say,.
[00:03:43.140] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
No, you're right Candi because you think about when we get into the winter mode, and we kind of do that hibernation mode and what do we crave? We crave that mashed potatoes and the meatball and the warm, fuzzy foods. And that's really kind of the same kind of concept. We're kind of in that same kind of mode. That hibernation mode is what they call it. And then same thing when we're sleep deprived, we're kind of in that same mode. We don't have enough sleep, and we're feeling the same kind of wanting to fill that need of that sluggishness that's going on.
[00:04:16.870] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Yeah. So you want to get some energy, maybe get some quick energy, so we don't choose maybe the best food for us to eat, trying to go in for those quick calories.
[00:04:26.680] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. We usually eat the foods that make us the comfort foods that make us feel good, the ones that we ate when we were at a holiday function or we're around some kind of a fun event, and that's the ones we end up craving. So for me, it's mashed potatoes and gravy.
[00:04:40.330] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Yeah, I would say for me, too. So what causes sleep disturbance?
[00:04:46.590] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Well, I believe it's mostly stress. And according to the American Psychological Association, 43 of people report stress keeps them awake at night time. And stress doesn't really even exist. You and I both know that from the program that we went through, but it does exist in our own mind. So when we come upon situations where we have labeled it as it feels stressful, it becomes stressful. And even if it's not truth, because if it's stressful for me, it doesn't necessarily mean it's stressful for you. So that means that stress doesn't really even exist because it's not truth for everybody.
It was a constant through everybody's life. Then that becomes truth. But it's not. So with that, in case it's really about the label that we put on any circumstances. And then that's when we call it stressful. And when we have labeled something stressful either work or intimate relationships or the cultural demands of an act of social life or raising kids with evening commitments all the time, or even the addiction to the digital world and how it gives us that instant gratification. So all of these pieces play a factor in keeping us in that stressed mode.
But it really is the fast Lane.
[00:06:12.980] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And what you're saying is it's all in our perception of time. I know for myself one of the things that I used to do, and I've gotten much better at this as I've gotten older, but it was one of the things that I suffered with a lot at night is I would wake up at 03:00 in the morning and my mind would be racing, and I'd be going into, oh, my gosh, I have to. And, oh, my gosh, what if this doesn't happen? And, oh, my gosh, what if this does happen?
And I would be catastrophizing, as we call it, as coaches, a situation. And then when you wake up, when you finally fall asleep and you wake up the next morning and you think, oh, my goodness, really. I was really that concerned about that, right? Does that ever happened to you?
[00:06:56.230] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Oh, my goodness. Often. And now that I'm in this perimenopausal phase of my life, which is a whole another show in itself,
[00:07:04.860] - Candi Broeffle, Host
whole other strain.
[00:07:06.030] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yes, that is.
It really does happen more often than I'd like it, too. And then you get into that, oh, I have to do this. I have to do that. And then it gets you on this crazy train of that's really hard to get off of if you are not really consciously aware of what's happening.
[00:07:22.660] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So Teresa and I have both gone through a coaching program through IPAC, which is a coaching school, and they really teach us about energy. And so we do what's called core energy coaching. And that's how you and I met you were assisting the trainer when I went through because you had already gone through it. But we talk about energy and how that affects stress and how that affects us in all aspects of our life. So talk to us a little bit about the energy.
[00:07:54.770] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. So there is two different types of energy out there. There's catabolic energy, and there's anabolic energy. Catabolic energy is this energy that we we feel when we are stressed. So it's that energy that sucks the life out of us. So when we take that perception and we label it as being something that is hard to deal with or something that we don't like and stressful that ends up taking our energy away. Anabolic energy is things that actually lift us up. They support us. It really gives us energy.
So the two different types of energy, anabolic and catabolic, really is important to understand to know when you're in catabolic energy, that's the ones that keep us on destructive patterns. That's one where we usually go into autopilot mode. I call it autopilot mode, and we auto-respond.
[00:08:45.220] - Candi Broeffle, Host
I call it our survival. Yeah. That's our fight, flight or freeze kind of aspect of our energy. So do we want to try to avoid catabolic energy as much as possible? Let's just remove it from my life?
[00:09:03.440] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. It kind of seems like that would be the general idea, but that's not really it at. Both energies have definitely a purpose. So catabolic energy has a purpose. Let's say we had a death and somebody you love nearly died, and you're going to feel sad you're even going to have bolts of anger going on. That's perfectly normal and a necessary part of the process of healing. If you don't do it, then there's this whole other piece there, but it's necessary to move on and to move forward.
That's when catabolic energy is there and it serves a huge purpose to help you heal. But if you stay stuck there and you don't end up consciously choosing to keep moving yourself forward back into that anabolic energy, that's when it becomes a destructive pattern where we end up then end up using it as part of our way of life.
[00:09:59.090] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And so when we're talking about catabolic energy, that's brought on usually by a stressor, so some kind of stress that we're facing at that time, right? When people are in chronic stress, when they feel like there's so many things that are piling up on them, they tend to stay in that catabolic state longer. And that's what you're saying, right? When it starts to cause issues when you're not kind of moving through that.
[00:10:27.280] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Right. And it's really about making a conscious choice of when you want to move out of that. I mean, there's a purpose and when you lost the loved one, there's really no time frame of who you're supposed to be sad for. X amount of days, years, whatever it is, it's really a personal journey for everybody and what works for them and how much time they need to heal.
[00:10:48.210] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And you really don't want to, like, try to not feel that.
[00:10:54.130] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Right. Pain is growth a lot of times for people. So feeling that pain actually enlightens you in so many different ways, so it can be very powerful.
[00:11:03.520] - Candi Broeffle, Host
We always talk about you have to feel it in order to heal it.
[00:11:07.240] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:11:09.880] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So for people who want to learn more about what you do, what is your website?
[00:11:15.660] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
C as in Cat L as in Larry, D as in dog -  CLDCoaching.
[00:11:22.470] - Candi Broeffle, Host So when we come back, we're going to continue to talk about energy and how it affects your health. And Teresa will introduce us to the seven levels of energy. To read Natural Awakenings magazine online, visit NaturalTwinCities.Com. You can find a podcast of the show on on Apple and Google podcasts. And anywhere you get your podcast, we will be back in just a moment.
[00:12:00.500] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Welcome back to Green Tea Conversations, where we delve into the pages of Natural Awakenings magazine and talk to the professionals to share their expertise on natural health with you.
I'm your host, Candi Broeffle, and today we're talking with Teresa Brenke, a life coach and behavior modification specialist and owner of Embrace Health right here in the Twin Cities. Thank you for being with us today.
[00:12:23.170] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Thank you, Candi, for having me.
[00:12:24.750] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So just before the break, we were talking about stress and energy and how it can impact your health. So how is energy impacted by our thoughts. And how does that impact our well-being?
[00:12:38.430] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. So like we mentioned earlier, our conversations or filter and our conversations that we have in our head, we call it our filter. It's how we see the world, our perceptions, our interpretations of what's happening around us. So when our filter describe something as being stressful, it feels stressful in our life. So when we have these conversations in our head, it literally causes a physiological effect in our body, and we feel a certain way. And then when we feel a certain way, we end up, in turn, leads us to doing certain actions.
So this lineup of our thoughts create feelings, create actions is really the basis of we talked about our catabolic and anabolic energy, about which one we're feeling when we're feeling that catabolic energy and we feel that stress, it brings us to that having a certain thought about it, having a certain feeling, usually a negative feeling and then creating some kind of action. And usually, it's an autopilot response to what's going on in our life.
[00:13:43.880] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Okay. So let's take an example. Like if we say that you have an interaction with a coworker and it didn't go as well as you had hoped it would or you actually kind of got into an argument about it. And so now the feeling that you have or the thought that you have around it might be something like they don't respect me. The feeling could be.
[00:14:14.420] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Well, it could lead to a lot of different feelings. If you don't feel respected a lot of times, that leads to frustration or anger even. And where the when you have that kind of a feeling, then the response is going to be appropriate. As far as what action you're going to take, it's usually going to lash back. That's when we have an auto-response, which is an emotional response where you say and do things that you didn't really mean or I wasn't really an alignment with your values.
You're true who. And then that really comes out as, wow. Why did I say that? Why did I do that? That's not really how I felt, and I didn't really mean it. But it just kind of comes out.

[00:14:52.120] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And then in turn starts to have the thoughts that come up with other feelings and other actions. So sometimes it can actually almost stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward. Where if you also look at it on the other end, where you have a thought of Jeez, I'm really going to rock it today, right. I got to go in for this job interview, and I'm feeling so confident. I'm so prepared. I am ready to do this.
So that leads to an emotion of being excited and being hopeful and feeling energetic around it. And then the action that you take can be completely different.
[00:15:30.280] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:15:31.290] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So both sides of it, whether it's anabolic or catabolic whatever we're thinking causes that emotion, which then causes us to take action. Whatever type of section.
[00:15:41.670] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. An anabolic and energy really doesn't get us usually stuck. So we usually end up taking a look at that catabolic energy because that's the one that gets us stuck in destructive patterns, whereas anabolic energy is moving us forward in a direction that we want to go in. So it works.
[00:15:56.640] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So it's the positive, the fun part of the energy.
[00:16:00.250] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:16:02.840] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So in the type of coaching that we do, the core energy coaching, we talk about, there are seven different types of energy or seven different levels. So there's two types and seven levels, and we're going to start in the catabolic levels and let's start with level one.
What is level one energy?
[00:16:24.400] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
So we have with each level. A core thought, a core feeling, and then a core action that usually happens with each. So level one is a victim that's the thought is the victim, your victim. And then the emotion that kind of goes with it is apathy. It's just zero movement and the action is lethargic. So you have a hard time moving yourself forward. It's a lot of times where you see people that are very depressed and can't get themselves out of bed would be a great example example of that happening.
[00:16:56.850] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Now we go through all seven levels every day. So we kind of cycle through at different times with different people. I like to share with people that sometimes level one, it looks like a feeling like you have no control feeling like  I have no choice in this.

[00:17:19.450] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Like life is happening to you rather than you having to making a choice.
[00:17:24.100] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Right. So there's really nothing I can do about this. So we tend to kind of give up. We tend to kind of retreat back. This again is kind of our freezer flight situation, either I'm going to freeze up and I'm not going to know what to do or I'm going to kind of run away from it. This is also where we feel a lot of overwhelm. Right.
[00:17:46.340] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
So if you're under a lot of stress and you start to feel really overwhelmed, I do this now, too, of course. But an example would be like in College when you have all these finals that are coming at you. Yeah. You're like, I don't even know where to start.
[00:18:02.550] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
I used to go to the library and fall asleep and I'd be like. Well, there's like an auto-response. I just see the library and I get tired.
[00:18:10.340] - Candi Broeffle, Host
I had the same way. I used to go and take a nap. I'm going to feel so much better because I'm just exhausted and I'm going to take a nap. And, of course, that causes more overwhelmed or yeah.
So what is level two energy?
[00:18:26.270] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
So level two energy the core thought that goes along with it is conflict. And then the core emotion that goes along with that would be anger. And then you have the core action, of course, is defiance. It's going to be put your heels down on the ground and be like, I'm going to fight this. I'm going to stand strong on fighting whatever it is that you're fighting  is.
[00:18:49.260] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And this is our fight part of our survival instinct, right. This is where we come out. There's a lot of proving in this I have to prove to you why I'm right. I'm going to keep explaining myself this really kind of limits our opportunity of what we can see and what we can do. And one of the things that I always find interesting is and I didn't know this until I went through the coaching certification, too. But when you have someone in front of you who's really in an anger state or in a conflict state, and they're coming out and they're trying to prove themselves and you're trying to give them all other options, like, have you ever thought that maybe this person and they're like, no, that's not what they meant.
This is what they meant. They can't see outside that small bubble.
[00:19:39.980] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. And often we talk about that with the filter or the perception or interpretation of the world of what's going on, the more the higher the level of energy, the more light you let in. So it's easier to see the bigger picture of what's going on. And also, in addition to what you were saying, Candy, that level two energy can be very empowering for a very short amount of time because you feel like you're getting something done because that anger is really motivating, but it's very short term, and it's very exhausting in the long term.
It just takes the power away from you.
[00:20:11.960] - Candi Broeffle, Host
When we come back, we're going to talk a little bit more about level two energy, because there's some things that we want to get into with that. And then we're going to talk about the other five levels of energy getting us up to level seven. So we're talking with Teresa Brenke. And for people who want to learn more about what she does, they can go to her website at CLDcoaching.Com. To read the Natural Awakenings magazine online, visit NaturalTwinCities.Com. You can find a podcast of this show on AM950Radio.Com on Apple and Google Podcast. Anywhere you get your podcast, you're listening to Green Tea Conversations on AM950, the Progressive Voice of Minnesota will be back in just a bit.
Welcome back to Green Tea Conversations for we meet the professionals straight from the pages and Natural Awakenings magazine who share their expertise on natural health with you. I'm your host, Candi Broeffle, and today we're talking with Teresa Brenke of Embrace Health. Teresa is a life coach and behavior modification specialist. And before the break, we were starting to talk about the seven levels of energy.
And so we were talking about level two, energy, which is conflict energy. And one of of the things that I find interesting about conflict energy. So level one energy is more victim energy. And level two energy is conflict energy that if somebody has been stuck in level one energy and all of a sudden they start to get angry. That's actually a positive, correct.
[00:21:49.340] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. It's actually very motivating and sometimes necessary to get themselves out of that slump where they feel like they can't get themselves to move forward. They just don't have the energy to do it. So yeah, a lot of times, level two energy is very motivating.
[00:22:02.550] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And so even though level two is a lot more uncomfortable for other people, if I'm really angry, it might be really uncomfortable for you to be around me, but it's actually when you understand it, it's actually a good thing all something that's helping somebody move forward or kind of getting the energy they need in order to make changes.
[00:22:23.690] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
As long as it's short term,
[00:22:25.230] - Candi Broeffle, Host
I was going to say. But if it's long term. What can happen?
Yeah, it just becomes very exhausting and it sucks you dry for short term can really get you to go places and get you to what you want to do. But in the long term, it really does emotionally drain us. And it can be very exhausting.
[00:22:44.840] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And I think we've all been around people who have have lots of that level two anger energy. And it's exhausting for us. It's exhausting for the person who's going through it, and it's exhausting for the people around them. It's too draining.
[00:23:02.100] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:23:02.520] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So one of the things about lower energy or catabolic energy is it's also very drying. You kind of suck us in. It a lot easier to get sucked into conflict or victim energy I need is to get risen up into the energies.
[00:23:20.310] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. Well, and kind of sometimes, you know, like I had a post, my Facebook page, a video of a guy that was going on a train, and he he started laughing historically, was reading his ipad, and it was something really funny. He was just laughing out loud as loud as he could, and it showed how infectious that could become. Like, all around people started laughing and giggling and looking at each other, literally laughing out loud. So I agree with you. Nail, I disagree with you sometimes that anabolic energy can be very infectious when you hear a baby giggling.
[00:23:49.870] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
It's so anyone can send me all the Facebook the baby's giggling because I really do love it.
[00:23:58.660] - Candi Broeffle, Host
I like it even better than Kitties. So let's talk about the next level of energy, which is the lowest level of anabolic energy. Level three energy.
[00:24:10.220] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. So level three energy is where the core thought is feeling responsible, and the core emotion with that is forgiveness. And then the action is cooperation. I call it that. That is fine level. It is fine because we say when we're not really happy with something are like, it's fine. And you're just going along with it. You're cooperating. You're not really completely anabolically invested there.
[00:24:38.460] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And I always think it's funny because you can always tell when someone's in level three, they say things like, it's fine. It is what it is.
[00:24:47.780] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:24:48.430] - Candi Broeffle, Host
It is what it is. What are you going to do about it? It's like you're so tired of feeling angry or feeling like the victim that you just want to not feel anything it's kind of the blaah for the math.
[00:25:01.120] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
And a lot of relationships will see this like you don't want to get out. It's not terrible. It's not the worst, but it's not the best. And you'll see where people will be like, It's fine. He's fine. He's okay. I know. Yeah.
[00:25:15.690] - Candi Broeffle, Host
It's going to get better.
[00:25:16.590] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:25:17.450] - Candi Broeffle, Host
How about level four energy?
So that's a lot of the caregiver level of energy. So the core thought there is concern and the core emotion is compassion. And then you've got the core action result of service. So you'll see a lot of moms teachers, service orientated people in this level of energy where they're giving giving still not quite all anabolics. So it does drain us with our energy because there's some catabolic energy there. But I it's definitely more of an anabolic energy than levels one, two and three.
[00:25:51.640] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Yes. So level two energy, like you said, a lot of moms use it a lot of the times. What will happen is somebody in level four energy will get feeling like they're not appreciated. And then when they're not appreciated, they can quickly get down to the lower.
[00:26:10.900] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:26:12.230] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So how about level five energy?
[00:26:14.150] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
So that's the win win opportunity level. It's core thought is really reconciliation. The core motion there is feeling peace. And then the action is really acceptance. You accept all circumstances and it's kind of like everybody wins. So it's really the first level of energy where it's all anabolic. And so everybody wins in this scenario or everything's an opportunity.
[00:26:40.970] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Yeah. Lots of opportunity. So even though it might look bad, you can kind of see what the other side.
[00:26:46.520] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:26:47.440] - Candi Broeffle, Host
How about level six energy?
[00:26:49.780] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Level six and seven are really kind of energy levels that we go to, but not necessarily go too often during the day. Level six energy is synthesis is the core thought. The core emotion is joy that goes along with it. And the action is wisdom. So it's really you know, I call this times when we go for prayer or meditation or times when we really are in that reflective state and it's there. But it's a stay there all day, and especially if you're working world, it's difficult.
[00:27:24.280] - Candi Broeffle, Host
It is a level of energy that can be somewhat similar to caregiver energy. You care for the other person, but you're not trying to save them.
[00:27:33.320] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:27:33.800] - Candi Broeffle, Host
You're not trying to make it better for them,.Right? I understand we all have our own journey we're all going to have to go through the tough times. And that's why it's hard for moms, right? We don't want to see our kids have to.
[00:27:46.440] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
I heard.
[00:27:47.310] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Right. But it is part of our journey.
[00:27:49.510] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yes. It is a necessary part of our journey.
[00:27:52.260] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Very nice. Plus, it gives us all of our best stories. We get older, right? Exactly. Do you remember when I was 16 and what we did exactly, man, at the time? That is funny. Yeah.
[00:28:04.030] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
I haven't gotten to that point where I tell my kids yet. All of my stories, I am repeating an error stories. Remember when you did that?
[00:28:11.310] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Yeah, I have. My son is 32. So I have.
[00:28:15.000] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
They're 20. Yeah. We're going to wait till how they get out of College before all the stories come out.
[00:28:18.970] - Candi Broeffle, Host
All those stories. Great.All right. So how about level seven?
[00:28:22.560] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. So this is the level of energy where you did to it, but it's just kind of going into it. And there it's very hard to live in this all the time. It's complete non-judgment is softcore thought. The core motion is absolute passion. And then the result is creation. So really, I talk about it. And I felt it when I when I had my girls, I have twin girls that are 20, and I went through 24 hours of labor. Then they ended up doing in a C section, and they gave me two bunch medicine.
So I blacked out. And so when I came back to in a lot of pain, I hadn't slept in days. And they brought me those babies and they peer joy felt. Not if anybody would tell you that they put me through what they put me through for 24 hours of labor and then cut my stomach open and then have me two babies, they be like, is not worth it, man. But when you have a baby put on your shoulders, there is just this pure joy this peer relation.
[00:29:18.750] - Candi Broeffle, Host
In huge amounts of energy.
[00:29:21.400] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
And you accept anything. I'm just very passionate about what's going on at that moment. So that's the explanation I can give.
[00:29:29.160] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And this is where we go to really kind of amp up our energy. So a lot of the times when we're being really creative, so when you're kind of lose track of time, whatever that creativity looks like for you. So when you can just let go of everything else that's happening and be in that moment, right?
[00:29:47.100] - Candi Broeffle, Host
That's really good. Level seven in.
[00:29:49.410] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:29:50.260] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So what if I want to make a change in my life? What if there's something like, I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of being overwhelmed. I don't want to be in this stressful state anymore.
[00:30:00.870] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:30:01.380] - Candi Broeffle, Host
What are some of the things that I can do really getting consciously aware.
[00:30:06.060] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Knowing where are you at with these different levels of energy? How are you living and what are the things that are triggering you into staying into that catabolic energy where you create destructive patterns. So getting consciously aware is really the key first step. And then when you're consciously aware of okay, I am going here is to really get an alignment with your beliefs and your values. When you understand what are the beliefs and values I have and line it up with your true who. It really just helps you sync how to get out of those destructive patterns.
You can see when you're going into those destructive catabolic energy and then how to bring yourself out. Not that you're not going to go there. Not that you're not going to get angry. Not that you're not going to feel to press at some point or feel anxious. That's normal for people to feel that way. It's no recognizing and then getting yourself out of it, having the toolkit to learn how to pull yourself out of those circumstances when you get there.
[00:31:01.580] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So really being aware of why you feel that way. So let's take an example. Something everyone here in the Twin Cities sure can understand, which is somebody cuts you off in traffic. Okay. So I'm driving down and all of a sudden, some young whippersnappers,
[00:31:20.610] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
whippersnapper. Nice word.
[00:31:22.740] - Candi Broeffle, Host
A little whipper snapper, because in front of me and cut me off.
[00:31:26.890] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
I have other words that I use will go there.
[00:31:32.400] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Immediately. I go into anger mode, right? How dare you do that?
[00:31:38.320] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:31:39.270] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So what are some of the things that I to be aware of? That isn't just understanding that I'm mad, but why I'm mad?
[00:31:48.970] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Right. So each level. Yeah. So if you've got the thing, you get caught off this level one energy, this always happens to me and to realize if you're in level one or two or level two, you stupid idiot. I'll show you and you kind of get that anger. But those two energies just knowing that that's catabolic energy and they're trying to flip it around so that you can feel differently. If you've got a different core thought, then you're going to create a different feeling in your body, which is going to come out with a different action.
You're not going to want to go ram yourself into the back of that car and you only know Towanda.
[00:32:29.460] - Candi Broeffle, Host
My favorite alltime movie.
[00:32:31.640] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
You're going to have a different feeling. You're going to have a compassionate feeling towards that person if you felt like they were rushing their bother to the hospital, or if you have just a different justification there to kind of get that core thought to create a different feeling and anabolic feeling in your body to create a different action. So it's a matter of really kind of going through that process and figuring out what, first of all, getting consciously aware, what is the core thought and the feeling that's going along with it.
But then create a new core thought that is more empowering and gets you to the action that you really want that's an alignment with your values, your morals, your belief.
[00:33:08.820] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Yeah. And I think it's also kind of important to understand if I feel really disrespected by that person, when else have I felt disrespected because that person doesn't know that person has no clue what they did to me or how it might have affected me. It's not going to affect the person next to me in the same way, and they cut that person off. It might not have affected them at all. So, yeah, it's really getting a good understanding of why we feel the way that we feel, and then we're able to make those conscious choices.
So if someone wanted to learn more about what you do, what is your website again?

[00:33:48.000] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
It's CLDcoaching.Com.
[00:33:51.030] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Okay, when we come back, we are going to continue our conversation with Teresa and learn about new program that she's developed called Create Health on the Go. To read the online edition of Natural Awakenings Magazine, visit NaturalTwinCities.Com. You can find a podcast to this show on on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. You're listening to Green Tea Conversations on AM950, the Progressive Voice of Minnesota. We will be back in just a bit.
Welcome back to Green Tea Conversations, where we delve into the pages of Natural Awakenings Magazine to talk to the professionals who share their expertise on natural help with you.
I'm your host, Candi Broeffle, and today we're talking with my friend and your health coach, perhaps Teresa Brenke of Embrace Health. So, Teresa, you share with our listeners a little bit about yourself. How long have you been working with people to help them achieve their health and wellness goals?
[00:34:57.810] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
I've been in the business for over 26 years, having my own business teaching. I actually started off teaching kids about fitness and nutrition and gradually built up the trust of the parents and the teachers that I was working with and started working with them. After very short amount of time, I realized I needed a behavior modification piece to make a lasting change with the adults. Kids are really easy. You put your energy up there high and they're going to follow suit. But with adults, it's a very different world.
So I went on a very long journey to find how to make that change. Behavior Modification Change found many different programs before I stumbled upon the program that we went through IPAC Candi use that as my behavior modification piece. I've worked in the 26 plus years I've worked with over 500,000 children. I've worked with over 10,000 adults in about 2000 different facilities. So I have a very wide range of perspective on all the different interpretations and filters that people have had in about nutrition and fitness.
[00:36:03.700] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So behavior modification tell us a little bit about that. What do you mean by behavior modification?
[00:36:10.730] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
So behavior modification is the conversations in our head that keep us in destructive patterns. So just like we were talking about with the energy levels, the seven levels of energy level has a core thought. Well, that's the conversations that we're having in our head. We have about 60,000 conversations in our worlds in our head every single day, and they lead us down a certain path. And I actually a path of feeling a certain way. And then that leads us to core action. We can't possibly think about all those conversations that are those shops every day we go into autopilot with most of them.
So it's really important to know what are those conversations that you're having in your head, especially the ones that are catabolic that are keeping us in that destructive patterns. And that can be in any area of your life that can be our health. But it also can be intimate relationships. It can be with our finances. It can be with our work and moving forward. So it's a lot of different areas, not just nutrition.
[00:37:07.660] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Okay. So you have now developed a program called Create Health on the Go.

[00:37:13.870] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:37:14.570] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Tell us about the program.
[00:37:16.800] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
The program is really taking those conversations, which again, I call our filter. And again, that conversations that leads to feelings, leads to actions is behavior modification. So when we take a look at those conversations, those catabolic conversations that are leading to destructive patterns in our life, it really keeps us on this hamster wheel of doing the same thing over and over again. So the program was designed for the busy people that they even probably know how to fix their nutrition and their fitness. But they have trouble implementing it.
So that's when behavior modification really becomes an essential tool to really get them out of that destructive patterns. I created this program with a lot of the clients that I kept hearing the same thing. I don't have time. I'm busy in the evenings. I'm running around with kids. I'm exhausted by the evening time. I don't want to go work out, which I get. So it was with that intent. Not that I think that you can't get another nutrition and fitness program. There's lots out there. There's lots of free ones out there.
But this program, I-I-I believe in the nutrition, obviously in the fitness program. But I also believe the key to our program is that includes this behavior modification piece that really helps you create a lasting change to help you really make a difference in the area that's keeping you stuck.
[00:38:33.620] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So kind of walk us through it. This is an online program. So if I were to sign up for the program, what should I expect?
[00:38:43.710] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
So it's set up in different modules. So there's four or five different modules. We have two different programs. Once the trial program to help you kind of really see what the program is all about. And then the full program and the trial program is there. It was created. So that you can kind of get a taste of what the tools are that we teach you for behavior modification. So you're going to get different modules in each module. One is of fitness and nutrition to give you the basics of what we believe, really can make a lasting change or can make a change with your health.
The other one is really it's called Create a Healthy Mind Kit, and it's really looking at those conversations you're having and figuring out what is your beliefs, your values and morals that I call that your true who and really taking a solid look at it most of the time. We created our beliefs and our values at age somewhere between eight and ten, and we've not taken a look at it since then. So we're responding as an eight and ten year old response and interpret rotation and the filter.
So it really takes a look at that and really lines it up with the adult you and gets you to really be an alignment with your values. That's like when we respond and we respond in a way that we're not proud of or we don't like. Usually it's because we're out of alignment with a value or belief, and then we auto respond because we're still that 8 9 10 year old responding. And so it's really important to kind of take a look at that.
So this gives you some tools how to discover what those are and really lining up with who you want to be and moving you forward.
[00:40:08.920] - Candi Broeffle, Host
And I understand that you're offering our listeners kind of a little special on that interaction class.
[00:40:16.180] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. Because I think it's an important tool
[00:40:17.720] - Candi Broeffle, Host
For the the introduction program.
[00:40:18.980] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yeah. It's Create Health and on the Go trial program, and it's really there to kind of get you to build up some trust between us and make sure that this program is a good fit for you. So that program is normally $49. And today, if you enter in the code in the promo code, if you enter in GTC Green Tea Conversations GTC. So I know that you are hearing this program. You can get a $20 off coupon, so it's down to $29.
[00:40:47.490] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Wow $29. And how long does it take? Usually for people to go through the program?
[00:40:54.000] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
It's kind of move at your own pace. So they get to do if it takes them a couple of days to go through it or if it takes them a couple of months, it really is up to you and how it works for you. You can do it. It's meant to do it anywhere, anytime. It's all in the convenience of your own home online so that you can really do it. You have that moment because sometimes we get busy and weeks go by and get a moment to do that. You know that.
[00:41:20.930] - Candi Broeffle, Host
So you have the program on your website and your website again is?
[00:41:25.220] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:41:28.260] - Candi Broeffle, Host
CLDCoaching.Com. So they can go to the website they can find the program on there. And the introduction program is called?
[00:41:36.780] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Create Health on the Go Trial. So there is a full program called Create Health on the Go, and then it's this trial program.
[00:41:43.320] - Candi Broeffle, Host
Okay. And entering into the coupon code, GTC will get them another an additional $20 off. The whole cost of the program is 29.
[00:41:52.610] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
[00:41:53.290] - Candi Broeffle, Host
It's very generous of you. Thank you so much. So you also do one-on-one coaching. So if people want to connect with you about one on one coaching, you do life coaching as well as health coaching.
[00:42:06.920] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Yes, I do. So a lot of times people come in because they feel like they're needing more energy or whatever and exhausted, but end up dealing with something completely different. We end up starting to talk about nutrition, and then it ends up being some kind of a life. Yeah.
[00:42:24.550] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Well, once again, thank you so much for being with us today. I'm so happy you were in the studio with us, and we will have instructions and a link to your website on our webpage at AM950radio.Com. And just go to Green Tea Conversations. You'll see this podcast and we'll have the code on there and everything so that people can come in and get lined up with your trial program. Thank you for joining our conversation today. As we awaken to Natural, help to read the online edition of Natural Awakenings magazine, or to check out our complete online calendar of events, visit Natural Twin cities.
[00:43:07.460] - Teresa Brenke, Guest
Com. You can find a podcast of this show on on Apple Podcast and Google Podcast. You've been listening to Green Tea Conversations on AM950 The Progressive Voice of Minnesota. And I'm wishing for you a lovely day!