Mind Witchery
A Spell for Boosting Enoughness
June 2, 2022
When all you see is room for improvement, it's vital to acknowledge the places where you're succeeding.
As someone bringing goodness into the world, 

it’s vital to seek opportunities for improvement.

But when you live in a dominant culture that’s

obsessed with productivity and

with doing instead of being,

it’s easy to find yourself twisted up

over every minor detail that wasn’t Exactly Right.

This spell will help you remember to celebrate yourself

and the amazing things you bring to all of us!


My friend and fellow coach Anna Hazenberg.

Self-kindness expert Dr. Kristin Neff.

Make Magic:

One of my favorite ways to practice

giving myself the credit I deserve is to

write a list of appreciations of what’s working.

Maybe it’s things I’m doing, meaning I’m making,

or co-creations I’m helping to reveal.

Taking the time to focus on what’s going right,

where I’m doing well, gives me the chance to

enjoy my wins and give myself some love.

Transcript: A Spell for Boosting Enoughness