Walking Free
Don't weaponize physical intimacy in your marriage
June 15, 2022
**Note, although not explicit content, this subject may not be suitable for all audiences since we touch on the physical aspect of the marriage relationship...listener discretion advised.** Vernon and Michelle talk through 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 considering the Corinthian culture and the implications these verses have for those who are married (and those in a relationship). Is our most intimate relationship with our spouse just a "duty"? Jump into the discussion with us and take up the challenge at the end of the podcast!
**Note, although not explicit, this subject may not be suitable for all audiences since we touch on the physical aspect of the marriage relationship...listener discretion advised.** Vernon and Michelle talk through 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 considering the Corinthian culture and the implications these verses have for those who are married (and those in a relationship). Is our most intimate relationship with our spouse just a "duty"? Jump into the discussion with us and take up the challenge at the end of the podcast!