HOP Into Action Podcast Series
100 Small Things with Josh Bryant
September 6, 2022
Welcome to Season 3 and the 76th episode of the podcast series.
Hi Safety FM listeners, this is Brent Sutton, one of the co-hosts of the podcast series The Practice of Learning Teams with my fellow co-hosts Glynis McCarthy and Brent Robinson.

Our goal is to support you on your journey and build a better community of practice for Learning Teams.

On today's show, I am joined by Brent Robinson on our tour in Australia with the HOP and Learning Team Community. We chat with Josh Bryant and his team at Mitchell Services, to listen, talk and soak up their journey of the new view of safety. We felt like one big family when Josh and the team shared their journey, and I was really taken by one of their strategies around 100 small things to move safety from what goes wrong to what goes right.

An example of this was a single A4 sheet of paper with a heading of “100 small things”. It has five information blocks, being routine, work, learning, communication and leadership/culture. An example of the items in routine were such things as

1. Simplify inspections to critical items
2. Simplify site inductions to what matters most and resilient controls
3. Daily pre-shift meetings include discussion on success, fatal risk controls and value

Where have you ever seen the health and safety strategy of an organisation in a simple one-pager.

So please sit back and enjoy this episode of the pod, with myself Brent Robinson, Josh Bryant and the amazing safety team at Mitchell Services.

Please share your thoughts about this episode @ podcastlearnings.com

Be part of the journey with Learning Teams @ learningteamscommunity.com

And don't forget, the book "The Practice of Learning Teams" is available in printed and Kindle editions on Amazon or from the author's website.