Warrior Life - Tactical Firearms | Urban Survival | Close Quarters Combat
How to Master Your "Next Level" Warrior Mindset With Joe Teti
March 29, 2023
He wasn’t born a warrior… In fact, when he joined the Marine Corps he was the archetypal “99 pounds soaking wet” weak, unathletic teenager. (He was even afraid of heights and water!) But Dual Survival’s Joe Teti crafted himself into a warrior who can survive and thrive anywhere – from the Arctic to the Sahara. And the one “survival tool” he says you need the most in order to survive ANY danger you and your family may face is… your “warrior mind-set”! This isn’t something you can fake just by buying a tacti-cool t-shirt or bumper sticker. It’s something you have to cultivate deep down inside of you – it’s a way of life – a commitment to walk the “path of the protector”… And fortunately for you, all it takes are a few simple daily practices ANYONE can do… Super Simple Ways You Can Master Your “Warrior Mindset”, With Dual Survival Star Joe Teti!