Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice
What is Self-Leadership and Why Do You Need It as a Leader in Business
June 28, 2024
Self-leadership is all about taking control of yourself, your career, and life and steering it in the direction you want to go. It starts with having Clarity about what you want and who you are and then taking inspired action to create it the way you visualize. Here are three key areas of developing self-leadership:
When it comes to self-leadership, Clarity is key. 
For women leaders and emerging leaders in business, having Clarity around your goals and direction is especially important. With so many demands on your time and energy, it's essential to know your priorities to focus your attention and resources where they'll have the most impact. 
Personal and professional Clarity will help you make better decisions, stay motivated and on track, and ultimately move you toward your version of success faster. 
By defining what is important to you and what you want to protect in your life, you create Clarity of direction for what you want to achieve. Then, you start creating the vision of success on your terms, and with this vision, you can develop a plan to make it a reality. 
 To get you started, visualize your success. Create a picture of what it looks like when you do. See yourself achieving your goals. What will it feel like? How will you know when you've reached them? Seeing yourself succeeding will help keep you motivated and focused on the end result. 
Understand who you are authentically. 
This is about getting in touch with your true values and beliefs. Once you know these things, it's easier to stay aligned with them in everything you do. 
 There are a lot of different things that go into making up who we are as individuals. Our values, beliefs, and experiences all play a role in shaping our identity. And while it can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and lose sight of who we are and what we stand for, it's essential to take the time to connect with our authentic selves.
When we live in alignment with our authentic selves, we can show up in the world as our best selves. We are more confident, more engaged, and more likely to achieve our goals. 
 To do this, you want to get clear on your values and beliefs. Your values and beliefs are at the core of who you are. They shape your decisions, your actions, and your thoughts. So it's important to have an awareness of what they are. Spend some time thinking about what's important to you and what you believe in, what you stand for, what you love, and what is meaningful to you. 
 It's not enough to just get clear on your values and beliefs—you also need to check in with yourself regularly to ensure you're staying true to them. This can be done by taking some time each day for self-reflection. Ask yourself how your actions align with your values and what you can do to get back on track if they're not aligned, especially at work. 
Take inspired action to live in alignment. 
This is about taking action that feels good to you and aligns with your values and beliefs. It's also about trusting your intuition and following your heart. It's not about taking action on everything; it's taking action on the right things in a meaningful way. When you take inspired action, you are aligning your thoughts, words, and deeds with your highest self, creating a powerful leadership presence in any organization, household, or community. 
 The self-leadership journey is not a straight line. It's more like a winding road with many twists and turns that allow you to discover new facets of yourself that can then be leveraged to support others. As you grow in your self-leadership, you create more opportunities to grow for others too. 
If you want to be a successful leader in business, it’s important that you develop self-leadership skills. That means taking control of yourself, your career, and your life and steering it in the direction you want to go. It starts with having Clarity about what you want and who you are—and then taking inspired action to create it. Are there other ways you can think of that would help YOU become a better self-leader? Let us know in the comments!
Until the next time, here's wishing you the Clarity in your self-leadership that you deserve!
Want more Clarity on your way forward in work and life? Then, grab your copy of the Clarity Workbook and uncover the answers you deserve at
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