How to instantly increase the credibility of your ideas
The Six Percent Entrepreneur
How to instantly increase the credibility of your ideas
June 6, 2021
In this episode, we will learn how to instantly create credibility for any of our ideas.
At the end of this podcast, we will learn how to instantly create credibility for any of our ideas. And I'm actually inspired to create this podcast from a couple of posts that I saw on Facebook this morning. One person, that's on my Facebook, he's pretty religious. And he posted a passage between the professor and a student and in this passage, the professor is trying to convince the student that God doesn't exist and gives a lot of examples on how God can exist, but he does that the professor fails to provide any evidence on why God doesn't exist. 

So the student exploits this, and the student says, well, you know, just because you don't have evidence doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. There's all these other things where we don't have evidence, but we just hold these things to be true. And at the end of the passage, the professor stumped and the passage reveals that the student was Einstein. Okay, so first of all, this passage was utterly bullshit. Like if you go to and try to verify this, you will know that this is not what Einstein said is not what Einstein even believes. Einstein was religious, up until 13 years old. And after that, it's been well documented that he's pretty much agnostic. He definitely doesn't adhere to the Judeo-Christian interpretation of God. But what got me thinking is this post was racking up all these likes and not a single person, was fact-checking it. 

And it got me thinking that as soon as you document something, that thing takes on the credibility of its own, so it doesn't matter who's saying it. But that documentation itself can be a source of credibility. It's almost like a third-party social proof, adding credits to whatever you are saying, even though you might have wrote it. So here's what I mean. There was another time that I was in a libertarian Facebook group and libertarians. They have this principle called the nonaggression principle. And it pretty much lays out the rules on how people should behave with one another in a society where we're not hurting each other. And it's called the nap the nonaggression principle. And out of my curiosity, I wanted to know how the nap applies to animals because where definitely being aggressive animals, if we're going to eat them, I have nothing against eating animals. 

But this is just the thought of mine. How does this written documentation of the nap apply to animals? And people commented that, oh, the nap does not apply to animals. And even though I have never read the nap, just someone saying that there is documentation of this and this document doesn't apply to these animals and this is well documented. I just took it for what it is and I'm like, okay, cool, that sounds legit. It's on paper, it's documented and you see the same thing happening with the bible with the constitution where even ideas and principles that might not even be in the bible or in the constitution, you'll have people say that it's in there and just because people will say that it's in there, they'll believe it. It'll be incredible. They won't go fact-check it. They won't actually go to look to see if this information is there. It's just believable. 

In fact, even someone like Peter Thiel, Peter Thiel is a prolific investor out in Silicon Valley. He was one of the founders of Paypal and he has a lot of books and if I were to say, Peter Thiel says blah blah blah, okay, that's great. I mean I'm, whatever I'm saying is somewhat credible because I'm saying Peter Thiel is saying it, but it's still not that credible, right? Because I could have it wrong. But if I were to say Peter Thiel in his book says blah blah blah blah blah, then that's way more credible. And one of the reasons it's way more credible is because when it's documented people assume that whatever is being documented has been well thought out. So, in terms of words, in terms of speech, we can say whatever we want whenever we want and sometimes we must speak all the time, right? 

But when we're writing something, we have a little bit more time to construct our thoughts, to structure our ideas, to fix any typos, to fix any missing, any chances or potential for misinterpretation. And when it's documented as humans, we just use that mental shortcut that oh, this must be a wealth on our idea. It must be legit because it's documented and we don't even have to know who the author of the document is. You don't have to know who the author of the nonaggression principle is. You don't have to know the author of the bible or the constitution. Just the mere fact that it's documented will give credibility to whatever is in that document. So if you want instant credibility for your ideas, just documented, documented and it'll take a life of its own. Even after you die, that document will still live on and those principles will still live on. When you document something, it pretty much becomes law is the rule you can point to it. This is something that you can show people, it feels almost tangible because it's documented. So that's how you add instant credibility to your ideas. I hope this helps. This is Robin Copernicus. Boom. Bam, I'm out.

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