The Business of Personal Brand Photography
That Naked Girl on the Beach in the year 2000
October 9, 2023
Paula shares a quick but important story about a shoot with a girl that had a huge impact on her


Have you ever learnt in person with another photographer ?

In the early days I was lucky enough to carry bags, reflectors and fluff dresses and (not robes) for so many awesome photogs.

And I was pretty good cheap (and often free) labour, so I got asked to come back.

I am a massive fan of learning on the job.

And that is why I have always been a huge fan of going to paid workshops throughout my career.

I was sharing with my good friend Alison a story about a workshop I was at, back in the year 2000, and great thing was I hit record on my phone.

And so for todays episode I thought I would share this little snippet from our long conversation about one of the biggest lessons I learnt in my career.