The Bright Ideas eCommerce Business Podcast | Proven Entrepreneur Success Stories
How to Use Marketing Automation to Immediately Boost Your Lifetime Customer Value
May 19, 2014
In this episode I’m joined by Daniel Faggella is a recognized email marketing expert, entrepreneur, and speaker. Dan started his first business in his undergraduate years, and began with his second business while attending the University of Pennsylvania’s prestigious Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. His expertise lies in targeted marketing strategies and exceptional attention to maximizing the ROI from email.

As you probably know, I’m a huge fan of marketing automation as well, which is why I why have used and recommended Infusionsoft for years. These days, I use HubSpot as well as Infusionsoft (I explain why I use both in the interview below; if you want a more detailed analysis check out my HubSpot vs Infusionsoft post). This is a must-listen if you’ve been thinking of implementing marketing automation in your business, or if you are already using it and want to see a bigger ROI.

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