Relationships First
Love Languages
December 15, 2022
Love Languages! If you didn't know, there's a book published called "The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman back in the early 2000's and in it, he shares his findings on how people love and want to be shown love. In this episode, David Dubé shares these 5 love languages and their significance.
Love Languages!

The book the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman originally published in 2001 is all about how people love and want to be loved. 

The 5 Love Languages:

Each one of those 5 love languages is a model for how your partner, friend, or family member loves to be shown you care.

Acts of Love are going out of your way to show them you care by doing something for them or including yourself in the chore of something they already have to do.

Quality Time is spending uninterrupted time with them, which means no distractions and not making that time all about you.

Receiving Gifts is paying attention to things they say they like, want, and consider buying for themselves but don't or haven't gotten around to and then purchasing an item off that list. If a gift is received and needs justification or it's not on their wanted list they feel like they're unheard or not understood.

Physical Touch is showing you care through your actions, mostly hugs, kisses, holding hands, and the like. It also means not neglecting them or putting off physical connection - this makes them feel not wanted or needed.

Words of Affirmation are all about giving encouragement, affirming them and their wants and desires through notes sent in a variety of ways. You could hide a note in their wallet or purse, a post-it note on their steering wheel, a random text message during their workday, or a well-placed card on their desk.

When you speak (what I'm really saying by "speak" is give your partner what they desire through their "language") their language you're telling them without ever saying it that you understand them.

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