The Vacation Rental Show: How We Grow
Beyond Airbnb: Scaling Vacation Rentals in the Middle East with Mahwussh Alam of One Perfect Stay
May 28, 2024
Join Lynell Gordon and Mahwussh Alam as they explore her early beginnings in Dubai's blossoming Airbnb market, her ambitious vision to scale across the Middle East, and the intricacies of her transformative "Hybrid Model." Delve deep into Mahwussh's expansive digital marketing strategies that reach beyond traditional platforms like Airbnb, underscored by her unwavering commitment to quality in the vacation rental industry.
In this episode of How We Grow: The Vacation Rental Show, host Lynell Gordon is joined by Mahwussh Alam, the CEO of One Perfect Stay.

Join them as they:

Mahwussh Alam is the CEO of One Perfect Stay, a part-time rental company based in Dubai. With a background in software engineering, Mahwussh started her journey in the vacation rental industry in 2014 and has since grown her company to manage 200 units in Dubai. She is passionate about scaling her business while maintaining high standards of delivery for guests and homeowners.

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