Strategic Families
27 - Cultivating a Mentally Healthy Home (with Dr. Danny Huerta)
April 10, 2022
Today's guest is Dr. Danny Huerta, Vice President of Parenting & Youth at Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family is an amazing, faithful ministry that has been serving families for decades and Dr. Huerta has so much wisdom to share with us today on how to cultivate a mentally healthy home. Dr. Huerta emphasizes that we as parents have the primary influence in our children's lives and what a wonderful invitation that is. You will be blessed to learn from Dr. Huerta!
Today's guest is Dr. Danny Huerta, Vice President of Parenting & Youth at Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family is an amazing, faithful ministry that has been serving families for decades and Dr. Huerta has so much wisdom to share with us today on how to cultivate a mentally healthy home. Dr. Huerta emphasizes that we as parents have the primary influence in our children's lives and what a wonderful invitation that is. 

Programs that Dr. Huerta leads at Focus on the Family include:

Topics we cover include:



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