True Talk Cafe Podcast
S2 Ep. 7 - Upskilling, Reskilling and Preparing for the Future
August 1, 2023
As a business or HR leader, you’ve probably noticed that upskilling and reskilling are getting a lot of traction lately. Skills have emerged as a key area of focus for 2023. So, in todays’ episode we’re calling, “Upskilling, Reskilling and Preparing for the Future”, we will discuss how future-fitting your workforce can enable your organization to develop the skills needed to remain competitive. Now, let’s start today’s conversation!
Welcome to the True Talk Café Podcast S2 Ep. 7 - Upskilling, Reskilling and Preparing for the Future

Show agenda:

Survey Data insights according to the Wall Street Journal

The coronavirus pandemic led to a reworking of the economy unlike any other since World War II,” according to The Wall Street Journal. This shift requires an innovative response from HR professionals in business, nonprofits, government, and education.  As a result: 

As a result, HR will need to change substantially in its accountability over the next 12 to 18 months.


In summary, skill-building has always been important, but recent events are raising the stakes. We’re now in what’s often called “the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, a time in which advances in AI and automation are revolutionizing the way we work.  AI upskilling builds future-ready businesses and employees. Furthermore, almost every business will, in the future, become an AI business in some way.
Guest: Jay Clancy, Business Owner, Organizational Consultant and University Professor

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