Life Back On Track
What's the deal with the "terrible two's"?
August 25, 2021
Every parent gets to experience their child going through what is collectively known as "The terrible two's" which is a challenge like no other. What is it, why does it happen and mostly, how do you survive it? In this episode we have a look at this very interesting stage of a child's life. If you have any questions or feedback, you can send an email to I also have a weekly online radio show called “All About Relationships” that is broadcast live on Thursdays at 6:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT and replayed on Sundays at 2:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT. You can also listen to all of the episodes through my podcast. Just search “Wayne Brown All About Relationships”
Hi, This is Wayne Brown from Life Back On Track. Welcome to the latest episode.

In this one, I want to do a little bit of an exploration and a defence. You see, there are people in our midst, people who don't have a voice, because they yet haven't learned to speak, and I want to speak up for those people that can't speak for themselves, and those people are two year olds.

They have been accused of being terrible. The phrase "terrible twos" gets bandied around a lot, and I want to stand up for these kids on their behalf and explain to the people that don't understand what the "terrible twos" is.

This episode is not going to be super long because it's not a massive exploration or explanation. When a child is born, they have a view of the world that's very limited. Obviously, when they look around, they see these big people that seem to do all of these things. They produce food and warmth and clothing and all of these wonderful things that make our lives a little bit more comfortable, and we love these beings because they provide these things.

Then, as we get a little bit older, we start to notice "Hey, I've got this body that moves when I tell it to move". "I've got these thoughts that happen and I can control them". "I have these emotions that I can generate". So what happens is these little people at the age of two become aware of their own existence, their own abilities and what they do as any of us do.

When we get into a situation, we want to explore it. We want to understand it, so they start pushing boundaries. They start exploring, they get super curious. They're into everything, and if you've had two year olds or currently have two year olds or your kids are about to turn two, you will certainly know what I'm talking about. They get very curious, and they like to know about everything, and they get into everything.

Anyway, when children push boundaries and children will continue to push boundaries once they get past the twos. But this is the first and most volatile exploration of it because it's so new and so exciting. They go fully gung-ho and we as adults, we can be a little exasperated with this because we might be tired because of work. We might have our own frustrations, our own challenges and then a little child is pushing these boundaries constantly can be a little much.

I want you to know, though, as a parent who's been through this and having nephews, nieces that are still young, I get to experience this. Still, the core of the difference, of course, now is I understand it a lot better. The challenge you have as a parent is, you can make a massive impact at this stage in their life. You can set them up for a better life and make your life a lot easier. See, when they're pushing the boundaries, they need to know a few things. They need to know that this big person is solid, they're secure, they're safe. So if you're able to stay calm and not lose your cool, a child will feel a lot safer around you.

They pick up on that stuff, these kids, so if you can keep your cool, even though you might want to lose it, if you can keep your cool, they're going to be better off. They're going to feel safer around you also with your boundaries. If you have very clear boundaries for kids, they also feel safe and secure because they know where the boundaries are. They know what the rules are. They can then play within those rules comfortably.

Sometimes they've got to push the boundaries for a little while to make sure. However, ultimately all kids, once they know those boundaries, will operate to those boundaries. This is why you'll have children, who will misbehave for one adult and behave for another is because they understand what everyone's boundaries are. So with this person, I know I can push the boundaries and get away with more stuff and be naughtier, and with this person, they don't take any of that rubbish, so I better behave.

So the age of two is a wonderful opportunity for them to grow and become a better version of themselves through a solid foundation that's been laid during this age of two. And it's also an opportunity and a challenge for parents to rise up and set boundaries, rules, understandings for their young children to be able to live happily within the household rules.

So in defence of two year olds, they are doing what comes natural. They do it because they need to do it. They need to understand the world around them. They need to understand that the big people have their best interests at heart. They need to understand my boundaries. They need to understand how I fit into the world. I need to understand where I'm loved, where I'm supported, where I'm encouraged, where I'm nurtured. They need to understand all these things, so in their defence they are just been two year olds.

We as adults have to step up and be the adults and create for them an environment where they feel safe, where they feel happy, where they feel loved. If they can have that, they grow up a lot more balanced, lot more secure and comfortable within themselves. So adults, parents rise to the challenge. Be that awesome parent, that awesome adult that they need.

Anyway, that's it for this episode. Hope you've enjoyed it. It is a challenging time having two year olds. I know I've been there a number of times, not just with my kids but other people's. It is a challenging time. However, I know once they understand my rules and that they are safe with me and they're secure and loved and supported. They feel very comfortable and it takes the relationship to a new level. So rise to the challenge. Adults and parents be all you can be so that they can be all that they can be.

That's it for this episode. Take care of yourselves. Make sure to practise everything and remember, here's to a good life.

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