Mind Witchery
Potency Potion 3 - Growth Mindset
December 29, 2022
The final ingredient of our potency potion is Growth Mindset.
The final ingredient of our potency potion is Growth Mindset.

Growth Mindset helped me make my year so epic

by allowing me to access creativity and curiosity.

By helping me to play and experiment.

Be showing me that mistakes are not only inevitable, but exciting,

because they represent a golden opportunity for

becoming more thoroughly me.


timewitchery.com/planner, where you can support your growth mindset with your very own Time Witchery planner.

Carol Dweck’s very insightful book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

Mind Witchery Episode 20, A Spell for Harnessing Growth Mindset.

Make Magic:

Cultivating growth mindset is not just about anticipating how we will grow. 

It’s also so important to look at how we have grown.

We need to appreciate growth in ourselves,

so that we are not only celebrating success,

we are learning to give more value to our growth and learning.

Transcript: Potency Potion 3 - Growth Mindset