HOP Into Action Podcast Series
Rob Fisher "The Wise Man" - Part One
March 17, 2021
Welcome to the 26th episode of the podcast series. In today's podcast, we speak to Rob Fisher the "Wise Man" who is one of the early adopters of human and organizational performance and his views and thoughts of the practical application of error reduction and his version of Learning Teams called "Facilitated Improvement Teams".
Hi Safety FM listeners, this is Brent Sutton, one of the co-hosts of the new podcast series The Practice of Learning Teams, with my fellow co-hosts Glynis McCarthy and Brent Robinson.

Our goal is to support you on your journey and build a better community of practice for Learning Teams.

Today's podcast is a two-part discussion with the “Wise Man” Rob Fisher. Rob Fisher is one of the early adopters of human and organizational performance. 

Rob is based in North Carolina and his organization Fisher Improvement Technologies is family-owned and operated.

Rob is in the business of doing by supporting organizations to embed HOP and programs like AERO (Advanced Error Reduction in Organisations). He calls his team the “Practical Application People”.

Join us in this amazing conversation as we explore Rob’s world, his version of Learning Teams called Facilitated Improvement Teams, the role of systems and people in being able to:

  1. Prevent mistakes from happening
  2. Reduce the chance of mistakes occurring
  3. Mitigate the consequences of those mistakes

We finish up part one with a discussion about Demming, the PDCA cycle, and the role of continuous improvement with HOP and Learning Teams.

Please share your thoughts about this episode @ podcastlearnings.com

Be part of the journey with Learning Teams @ learningteamscommunity.com

And don't forget, the book "The Practice of Learning Teams" is available in printed and Kindle editions on Amazon or from the author's website.