the Internal Journey
The 1 Trick Everyone is Doing, but Never Works!
January 6, 2023
Anytime a person falls off a commitment, they do this one thing to help them get back on, but it only makes them slide further.
Welcome back to another episode of the internal journey, I'm you're host Kam Knight, author of several best selling books in the area of mental & human performance.

As you know, I closed out last year with powerful strategies for starting the New Years right, whether it’s with goals or anything else.

If you missed it, you can follow the chain at this link.

Today, I’m going to teach a trick everyone is doing, but never works!

Have you ever missed a task or routine, then told yourself that you’ll make it up by putting in twice the work or effort the next day, time, or session?

For example, you schedule to exercise 3 times per week, then one Wednesday, for whatever reason, you can’t or don’t.

So you say, you’ll make up the missed day by doing double the work, put in twice the effort, or make up the missed day on the weekend.

Or you set a goal of writing 1 hour a day, but after falling off for a few days, tell yourself you’ll catch up by writing 3 hours this coming Saturday.

Anyone who has lived long enough to take a breath on this planet has done this


Even though everyone is doing it, it never works.


Not for anyone!

If there is one technique you can COUNT on to fail, it's this one

Think about it...

If you didn’t feel like exercising or writing today, what makes you think you’ll feel like doing double or triple the next time?

And when next time rolls around, you’re even less motivated because now you have 2 to 3 times the load on your plate.

So what do you do?

Procrastinate further!

It’s one of those things that happen - we miss a session, routine, or task

When it happens, we feel bad, like we’re not sticking to what we set out to do.

In an attempt to change that feeling, we tell ourselves, ‘No, I’ll make it up,’ ‘I’ll work double,’ ‘I’ll work harder.’

Although our heart and intention is there when we say it, the reality is, the commitment is too much to follow through on.

Now we feel twice as bad, because we didn’t follow on the double promise

This just grows until the mere thought of the activity drains or weighs us down.

So we do anything to not think about it.

Since we don’t think about it, it doesn’t get done.

And since it doesn’t get done, it adds to the yucky feeling that we failed.

STOP this pattern!

If you are tired, burnt-out, or some other priority is taking attention from a task or routine, don’t force yourself to make it up.

It’s wishful thinking that makes you feel good in the moment, but has long term consequences.
It’s actually one of the manipulative tricks internal resistance uses to pull you out of your commitments.


If you fall out of a commitment, just start from where you left off

Don’t add unnecessary pressure to make up the lost time or effort.
It doesn’t matter if you let a day, week, or month go by, just start back one task and one day at a time.

Also, don’t let thoughts like ‘I’m so behind now’ or ‘I could have been so much further ahead’ weigh you down.

Sure you’re behind now, but you’ll be more behind if those thoughts prevent you from starting back up.

You’ll get there.

It won’t be as fast as you initially wanted, but you’ll get there. Until next episode. see you then.