Wake The F#CK UP w/JEFF #23. Why shelters have it wrong
Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?
Wake The F#CK UP w/JEFF #23. Why shelters have it wrong
October 17, 2022
"...What percentage of dog trainers have the skill to work a dog outside, in public to any level of public access training? ... because most people who train dogs are in a reward-only program and it might work in a group class setting or a classroom, or with a dog under threshold, but it does not work in the real world." How can we be more successful when training our dogs?
This show originally aired on October 17, 2022

"...What percentage of dog trainers have the skill to work a dog outside, in public to any level of public access training? ... because most people who train dogs are in a reward-only program and it might work in a group class setting or a classroom, or with a dog under threshold, but it does not work in the real world." How can we be more successful when training our dogs?

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