Profit First For Tradies
020: From Struggling to Thriving: A Tradie's Journey to Profit First Success with Jack Sedgmen
May 22, 2023
As a tradesperson, it's not uncommon to feel like you're constantly struggling to make ends meet. You work hard, but it seems like there's never enough money to go around. So, is there a way to survive and thrive as a tradie? In this episode of Profit First For Tradies, we'll be talking to Jack Sedgmen, a tradie who went from struggling to thriving with the help of Profit First. Jack will share his journey, the challenges he faced, and how implementing Profit First transformed his business and life. Trading is often a tough and competitive industry, and many tradespeople need help to make a comfortable living. But as Jack will explain, there are specific steps you can take to turn things around and achieve financial success as a tradie. One of the most important things that Jack learned was the value of implementing a Profit First system in his business. This system prioritizes profit and ensures that your business is always making money, even in the toughest times. Through careful planning and implementation, Jack was able to survive as a tradie and thrive and grow his business beyond what he ever thought was possible.
As a tradesperson, it's not uncommon to feel like you're constantly struggling to make ends meet. You work hard, but it seems like there's never enough money to go around. So, is there a way to survive and thrive as a tradie?

In this episode of Profit First For Tradies, we'll be talking to Jack Sedgmen, a tradie who went from struggling to thriving with the help of Profit First. Jack will share his journey, the challenges he faced, and how implementing Profit First transformed his business and life.

Trading is often a tough and competitive industry, and many tradespeople need help to make a comfortable living. But as Jack will explain, there are specific steps you can take to turn things around and achieve financial success as a tradie.

One of the most important things that Jack learned was the value of implementing a Profit First system in his business. This system prioritizes profit and ensures that your business is always making money, even in the toughest times.

Through careful planning and implementation, Jack was able to survive as a tradie and thrive and grow his business beyond what he ever thought was possible. 

In this episode of the Profit First for Tradies, you’ll learn the following:

Trading is a challenging industry, and many tradies need help to make a decent living despite working hard and being skilled at their craft. The good news is that some strategies and systems can help tradespeople survive and thrive in their business.

If you haven’t listened to our previous episode about  Business Myths- Winning The Next BIG Job Is Not Going To Solve The Problem, go back and check out Episode 019. 


"If you've got an interest, give it a go. You don't have to be in a specific spot to start making more profit." - Jack Sedgmen

"Often we think that if we have more money, everything will be okay. But that by itself is not enough" -Katie Crismale-Marshall
