The Brighton Business Expo 2021 Podcast
Mark Newman - Penny Farthing Club
October 18, 2021
Dan Cottrell is now joined in the back of the Podcab® with a man with a very large bike, Mark Newman a tour guide at The Penny Farthing club ( talks about what the club offers, when he rode across the UK for charity and how it is to be back at the Expo after 2 years. You can book The Penny Farthing Club via the website
Dan Cottrell is now joined in the back of the Podcab® with a man with a very large bike, Mark Newman a tour guide at The Penny Farthing club ( talks about what the club offers, when he rode across the UK for charity and how it is to be back at the Expo after 2 years.

You can book The Penny Farthing Club via the website