How I'm experimenting with AI and Chat GPT in my business
With Flow
How I'm experimenting with AI and Chat GPT in my business
April 17, 2023
In this episode we explore the world of AI and how it's changing the game in the online business world.
In this episode we explore the world of AI and how it's changing the game in the online business world.

Key points in this episode:
  1. AI can save you time and energy by automating tasks and doing some of the legwork. However, it can never replace your expertise and experience.
  2. The better you are at writing clear and specific instructions, the better the results you'll get with AI.
  3. Many tools are now integrating AI functions, such as Notion's Ask AI function, Canva,, and Descript.
  4. AI can be used in various ways, such as brainstorming content topics, drafting blog posts, creating graphics, and compiling research. However, it's not perfect, and fact-checking the information is always necessary.
  5. AI can help us do things we might not otherwise do. 

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