That's Teaching Life
It's all up to me now!
April 14, 2021
In this podcast I talk about the first few days of freedom and what I have learnt so far :) Follow my journey on instagram @richardmotivates and sign up for my newsletter on
Show notes
Welcome to the That's Life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler, where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this! 

Hey guys, welcome to another podcast. It's Richard Butler and yes, I'm late again, it's Wednesday last week I didn't release the podcast till Tuesday and I do try and release them every monday, but well get in the way and speaking about life On Friday nine April 2021, it will be a date I will always remember because it was the day that I said goodbye to corporate life and to a full time job. 

Now, if you've been following my podcast, you know that this was coming, you know, I was going to do it and I finally did it and it was a sad event I guess because I've worked in this corporate company for over nine years and like every relationship, there were good moments, there were bad moments and well it got to a point where I just felt it was time to move because it wasn't fulfilling me anymore. 

I mean it was a job and what was lovely about it was, I worked with some great people and there was that guaranteed salary at the end of the month and of course that's that's fabulous because let's be honest, let me level with you, you and I both know that a lot of people stay in jobs because it's what pays the bills and then at the weekends we just let loose because we just need to relax and disconnect. But out of, out of everybody I've talked to across so many different industries, a lot of people are doing jobs because they have to, because they feel this is the only way now, I don't know, maybe it is the only way. 

But I said to myself, it's time for me to see whether it's the only way or if there is another way to do these things. So that's why I decided to leave now. I just didn't leave on a whim. Um you know I have a plan in place and more of that will be revealed later on, but I have a plan in place, I've done my numbers, if I do what I meant to do, everything should work out pretty good. And this is where we face the first challenge. 

I think as people that When we have been used to working a 9-5 job, we have routine, we know that we have to do this this and this and we take an hour for lunch. And the other day somebody asked me to have a coaching session with him And they said could you do a Thursday at one. p.m. And I thought let me check. And then I suddenly realized, I said, hell yeah I can do thursday at one p.m. Because I am making my own work schedule. So that was kind of liberating um that I am making my own time schedule. But the problem is that I have to focus on money making activities for every hour because I have my goals, I have my goals and what I want to earn. 

And yeah, I could sit watching tv all day if I wanted or like monday and Tuesday I was running around, I had to do some paperwork, I had to get my bike repaired which I haven't used in over a year and all of that took time. So those two or three hours where I was running around I'm not getting paid for. So now I have two choices either double up and work those hours or I come up with a way of actually making income while I am actually away from the computer. This is the ultimate goal to have many sources of passive income, which means that you are getting paid regardless of whether you are putting in work every single day. 

So what you're doing there is you're exchanging, you're you're instead of exchanging a time for money, you're going to work once and then get recurring income. Now, when you think about it, authors do this, um musicians do this, they get royalties on every time their song is played so they they created once, so to speak and then they can actually go and they can earn again and again and again. So this is the idea and you know, passive income is something that I've been playing around with for many, many years probably since the The late 90s. Um when I first discovered the whole idea of the Internet and global audiences, etc. But one of the things that's always blocked me is I didn't have time to create, I had the resources, but I didn't have the time because, you know, I would work my full time job and then when I was finished work or at the weekends I would try and do extra things. 

But the problem is that By the time I had finished my work, I had an excuse not to actually be creative or I would be constantly doing research because I probably work best around this time. It's just half past midday at the moment. So probably from 10 until four are my best working hours. And of course, if you're working a full time job, you can't be doing your own thing as well. So the thing is that now I have that time, so I can see for the first couple of months it's going to be very lean because I will be in creation mode rather than actually impassive income mode. But I know the passive income will come. But my first lesson that I have learned this week is time management is hugely important to make sure that you're managing your time and that you're actually um allocating time to do things. I'm looking at my to do list that I have here. Um I use a rocket book which is a reusable book. 

There could be a link in the description of this audio, this podcast and what this allows me to do is, well, I'm setting up all the things I need to do today. So I've already, I've already more or less um ticked off two or three things that I want to do. But I think the key is also not too do too much or not to put down too much, because then what happens is you instead you put down 10 things, you get six things done and you go, shit, I should have got 10 done, and then you feel bad and then you think the next day I'm gonna have to do more and more and more, so I'm gonna try and do, you know, four tasks a week for projects that I want to work on a week and then break those down into maybe four other tasks per day to actually do. So that I don't overwhelm myself because, you know, you don't want to be overwhelmed either and say, oh my God, I'm not getting half of what I want done now. One of the things that I am actually doing as well is I'm going to rent a little coworking space so I can get out of the house because I want to I want to go into Creation mode between now and the summer so june July. 

But at the moment in our little apartment, which is a lovely apartment, um it's very hard to get free time where I'm alone in the apartment and there's no noise and I can actually just record videos or I can record audios like this. So I've decided to get a little coworking space which I'm hoping will work out which will be quiet and hopefully they won't give out to me for speaking too much. But the idea would be that, you know, three times a week I will go into recording mode and I will just record and then say the other two days I will do editing or I will do um scripting out of videos, et cetera. So that is the idea to start building up that more passive income stream. Now. Again, then I have coaching clients that are coming in, I'm allocating time for those and then I have all of the other video productions that I actually want to do. But you know, I'm really positive because I didn't have those sunday night blues because I was like, well, it's up to me and you know, tomorrow is monday, I can do whatever I want. But again, you know, I'm going as you, as, you know, if you know me or you've reading any of my posts, you will know that I'm going for that digital Nomad lifestyle. So the first idea for digit no matter I guess I've had it for many years, but the covid sort of let me experience it a little bit because I was working from home. 

And the next step was to leave my job, making sure that I had some sort of income coming in. And then the third step will be to actually start to travel again. So again, that's the idea who knows what's going to happen in the next six months in the next year. But this is the aim. So, you know, I hope this may inspire you because I got messages from people when I left my job and told people that I was leaving and they were like, oh my God, you are doing what we all want to do but are just basically afraid to do. And one of my aims is to show people how they can actually put a plan in place to actually do what I'm doing if it's successful because I'm not going to start um selling a course or writing a book about how to leave your job until I've actually done it. Because you know that's not the way I do things. I want to make sure that I have tested out the theory before I actually write about it. But if you want to follow my adventures, do make sure that you subscribe to this podcast. 

If you're listening to it on Spotify or apple music or on be cast the website, do make sure that you actually subscribe to visit my web page, Richard Butler dot Coach and sign up for my newsletter. Um I'm gonna be doing up that web page because I want to focus very much on the present moment mindset, mindfulness etcetera. And you know, never give up on your dream. Just keep on keeping on as they say, keep on sucking diesel, as we say in Ireland because you two can start to live the life of your dreams and direct your life rather than have your life directed by external forces. All right guys, I'm going to sign off and I will talk to you next week. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard and make sure that you subscribe.

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