Insurance Business Babes
The Power of Proactive Client Attraction
May 13, 2024
The podcast hosts, Kathe and Joanna, discuss the challenges that prevent insurance agents from being successful. They start by describing a meme that one of Joanna's agents posted, which shows two lines of people - one line labeled "Hungry to win" that is much longer than the other line labeled "Hungry to do what winning requires." This illustrates how many agents are eager to succeed but not willing to put in the necessary work. Joanna shares that when she first entered the insurance industry, she had no sales experience coming from a government job, and found it very difficult to get comfortable with the sales aspect. She contrasts selling life insurance, where people often don't want the product, to selling Medicare, where people do need the coverage but can be indecisive about it. Kathe emphasizes that while outbound cold calling can be challenging, it's much easier when clients are reaching out to you proactively. She discusses how she has built up her local website and online presence to attract clients, rather than relying solely on outbound prospecting. A key point they make is the importance of overcoming one's own insecurities and fears about putting oneself out there through content creation. Joanna regrets not starting to create YouTube videos and other content earlier in her career due to self-consciousness about her appearance and perceived shortcomings. Kathe shares how she overcame this by just jumping in and creating "pajama videos" when she couldn't sleep, which ended up being well-received. The hosts encourage the listener to create their own content, whether it's videos, podcasts, or written articles, to attract their ideal clients. They stress the importance of batching content creation and using it to build a lead funnel, such as by offering a free guide in exchange for an email address. Kathe describes the automated email sequence she has set up to nurture those leads over time. Additionally, Joanna suggests finding experienced agents to shadow or partner with, either through an upline relationship or by reaching out to a "running buddy" in a non-competing market. She also recommends building relationships with other professionals who serve the same target demographic, such as financial advisors, accountants, and real estate agents. The overall message is that while it may be uncomfortable at first, agents need to overcome their fears and insecurities, put themselves out there, and focus on consistently creating valuable content and building strategic partnerships in order to build a successful insurance business.
In this episode of the podcast, hosts Kathe and Joanna discuss the challenges that insurance agents face in achieving success. They begin by examining a meme that one of Joanna's agents shared, which highlights the disparity between those who are eager to win and those who are willing to do what it takes to win. This sets the stage for a conversation about the importance of putting in the necessary work to succeed.

Joanna shares her personal experience of entering the insurance industry without any sales background. She struggled to adapt to the sales aspect of the job, especially when it came to selling life insurance to people who may not initially want the product. In contrast, she found selling Medicare to be a different challenge, as people may need the coverage but often hesitate to make a decision.

Kathe emphasizes the difficulty of outbound cold calling but offers an alternative approach. She explains how she has built up her online presence and local website to attract clients organically, rather than relying solely on outbound prospecting. This method has proven to be much easier and more effective for her.

A key point that both hosts stress is the importance of overcoming personal insecurities and fears when it comes to content creation. Joanna shares her regret about not starting to create YouTube videos and other content earlier in her career due to self-consciousness about her appearance and perceived shortcomings. On the other hand, Kathe talks about how she overcame these insecurities by diving in and creating "pajama videos" when she couldn't sleep. These videos were unexpectedly well-received and helped boost her confidence.

The hosts encourage listeners to create their own content, whether it be videos, podcasts, or written articles, as a means of attracting their ideal clients. They highlight the importance of batching content creation and using it to build a lead funnel. This can involve offering a free guide or resource in exchange for an email address, which can then be used to nurture leads over time through automated email sequences.

In addition to content creation, Joanna suggests finding experienced agents to shadow or partner with. This can be done through an upline relationship or by reaching out to a "running buddy" in a non-competing market. She also recommends building relationships with other professionals who serve the same target demographic, such as financial advisors, accountants, and real estate agents.

The overarching message of the episode is that, despite the discomfort that may come with putting oneself out there, insurance agents need to overcome their fears and insecurities. They should focus on consistently creating valuable content and building strategic partnerships in order to build a successful insurance business.

Joanna Wyckoff from and Kathe Kline from talk about building a Medicare Insurance Agent business. (Use the code Babes2024 to get a free Bronze membership in the directory).