Influence By Design
Being An Entrepreneur And A Parent with Anthea Riley
November 20, 2019
As a parent, it can be a juggle to balance business and children.   I’ve not met a parent who doesn’t want to successfully raise happy and healthy children.  But some days, the balancing act can feel more like you’re running...

As a parent, it can be a juggle to balance business and children.  

I’ve not met a parent who doesn’t want to successfully raise happy and healthy children.  But some days, the balancing act can feel more like you’re running through a minefield.

However you don’t need to choose between great in business, or being a great parent.   You totally can have both!

In this episode I have invited my daughter Anthea Riley, to share her story of what it was like growing up with both her parents being in business. She shares honestly and openly through her eyes, and shares what family life was like for her, and how she feels it’s impacted her as an adult.

Did she choose to follow in my footsteps and open her own business?  Or did she decide to go down the path of employee?

If you’re a parent, or are thinking of starting a family, this is an episode that I hope will give you some insights into what it can be like to balance business and parenting.

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