EP17.S3 Intro to the World of Performance and the Influence of a Club | Jonathan Griffin
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP17.S3 Intro to the World of Performance and the Influence of a Club | Jonathan Griffin
December 13, 2022
This is the 1st conversation [EP17 to 24 S3] with Jonathan Griffin, also known as “Griff” who has been involved in elite sports for over 20 years. We talked about how sports can be compared to business and design to a certain extent as there is a lot to learn, incorporate and contaminate across disciplines. We also learned interesting facts, practices and approaches around sports.
This is the 1st conversation [EP17 to 24 S3] with Jonathan Griffin, also known as “Griff” who has been involved in elite sports for over 20 years. We talked about how sports can be compared to business and design to a certain extent as there is a lot to learn, incorporate and contaminate across disciplines. We also learned interesting facts, practices and approaches around sports.

Mentioned throughout this segment 8 episodes:


Pep Guardiola
Manchester City
Jürgen Klopp
Liverpool Football Club
Bayern Munich
Cristiano Ronaldo

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GGUTTALKS is a podcast focusing on business, design and ggutt feelings, conversing with entrepreneurs, industry leaders and investors.