Konshuhs Agility
What Your Boss Doesn't Tell You Project Management Mastery!
January 18, 2024
In this podcast, we will discuss the often unspoken aspects of project management that can significantly impact success yet tend to remain undisclosed by supervisors. The episodes cover a range of topics designed to provide a deeper understanding and mastery of project management, including:
In this podcast, we will discuss the often unspoken aspects of project management that can significantly impact success yet tend to remain undisclosed by supervisors. The episodes cover a range of topics designed to provide a deeper understanding and mastery of project management, including:

Unwritten Rules of Project Management: The first segment explores the tacit knowledge and unwritten rules that experienced project managers follow but may not explicitly share with their teams.

Navigating Office Politics: Listeners learn strategies for dealing with office politics and how to maneuver through complex interpersonal dynamics to keep projects on track.

Risk Management Insights: The host discusses how to identify and mitigate risks that aren't typically addressed in standard project management protocols.

Advanced Communication Skills: This part emphasizes the importance of effective communication, offering advanced techniques for ensuring clarity and alignment among stakeholders.

The Art of Delegation: Here, the focus is on the nuanced art of delegation, including how to assign tasks effectively and empower team members while maintaining accountability.

Negotiation Tactics: The podcast provides valuable insights into negotiation tactics that can help project managers secure resources and manage expectations.

Leadership vs. Management: An exploration of the differences between leadership and management within the context of project management, and how to balance both roles for project success.

Mentorship and Growth: The final section emphasizes the importance of mentorship, continuous learning, and personal growth in becoming a masterful project manager.

Listeners are encouraged to go beyond the basics and harness these insights for enhanced project outcomes and professional development in the field of project management.