Heart Sells! with Christine Schlonski
211 Play The Long Game For Big Breakthroughs
April 1, 2020
Are you passionate about your business or business idea? Play the long term game and you'll have big breakthroughs. A health scare was the turning point for real growth and freedom for Dan Kuschell. He got really clear on his mission. By now Dan built...

Are you passionate about your business or business idea? Play the long term game and you'll have big breakthroughs. A health scare was the turning point for real growth and freedom for Dan Kuschell. He got really clear on his mission. By now Dan built 11+ companies to multiple 7 and 8 figures, he bought and sold multiple companies; helped over 200,000 clients, coached over 5,000 business owners and some of the top experts like Joe Polish, Dean Graziosi, Janet Attwood, Mike Agugliaro, Daniel Marcos, ask Dan to help them.