134 The Human Design De-Conditioning Experiment
Heartfelt Awakening Radio with Deni Van
134 The Human Design De-Conditioning Experiment
April 5, 2024
Have you ever felt like there was something off about the way you were living your life? Like you were following someone else's script, instead of being true to yourself? That's how I felt before discovering Human Design, a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and other disciplines to help people understand their unique energetic blueprint.
According to Human Design theory, we are all born with a specific design that energetically maps out strengths, weaknesses and purpose in life. However, most of us have been conditioned by society and our upbringing to ignore or suppress our true nature. We've learned to conform to certain norms and expectations that don't necessarily align with who we really are.

That's why I decided to embark on a de-conditioning experiment using waking state hypnosis. The idea was simple: create a space where my conscious mind could relax and let go of old patterns while my subconscious mind could receive new programming aligned with my Human Design.

De-conditioning refers to a transformative process that leads to a profound change in both our body and behavior. It is an empowering journey towards becoming unfit for self-betrayal, which involves following our unique strategy, recognizing our authority at work, and maintaining deep awareness of our physical being.

Do you have inspiring stories of people who have transformed their lives by choosing intention over fate? Embracing personal responsibility can lead not only to greater fulfillment but also positive social change at large. Share yours in the comments.

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