Heart Sells! with Christine Schlonski
288 Dallas Travers - Are You Solving The Wrong Problem?
September 28, 2020
Dallas Travers helps coaches go from five-figure chaos to six-figure freedom with some Six-Figure NEST Method. Dallas’ clients have had their first five-figure days, first six-figure years, and first six-figure launches … all with confidence and...

Dallas Travers helps coaches go from five-figure chaos to six-figure freedom with some Six-Figure NEST Method. Dallas’ clients have had their first five-figure days, first six-figure years, and first six-figure launches … all with confidence and clarify because they finally have a plan that feels good and the tools to follow through. Today we talk about the importance of paying attention to what's working and then go deeper. Setting up your referrals system and that there is no need to complicate marketing, just get good at asking. You'll get a valuable step by step guide to implement right away.