Mind Witchery
A Spell to Feel Free to Say No
July 15, 2021
How tempting is it to say yes to everything? Yes to the project, yes to the promotion, yes to the party with the people you just have to meet. Saying yes all the time? It’s exhausting. And it draws energy away from the things and people we love. If...

How tempting is it to say yes to everything? Yes to the project, yes to the promotion, yes to the party with the people you just have to meet.

Saying yes all the time? It’s exhausting. And it draws energy away from the things and people we love. If you need a little help saying “no,” this spell will help.

Make Magic:

The next time you feel like you “have to” accept an invitation, stop and take stock.

Do you love what’s on offer? Is it worth your precious time and energy?

If yes, say yes! If no, chant the spell and pass.