The Smarter Sales Show
S2E15 | Interpersonal Virtual Selling
April 13, 2021
We get it, you’re a people person and that’s why you are in sales… but now you’re spending a lot of time stuck behind tech instead of being with people and it’s driving you crazy! Luckily, we’ve got tips to help you with your most important relationship on this episode of The Smarter Sales Show.
We get it, you’re a people person and that’s why you are in sales… but now you’re spending a lot of time stuck behind tech instead of being with people and it’s driving you crazy! Luckily, we’ve got tips to help you with your most important relationship on this episode of The Smarter Sales Show. 
Sexy Soundbites:

- The key thing to remember is that we relate to human beings through emotion. How we connect to people is through technology, but relating, and forming relationships is about emotions.
- If these attributes are strong for you, it will shine through regardless of the delivery method. If these attributes need improvement it doesn’t matter that you know your zoom settings or use cool video email tools. 
- In times of crisis or chaos we would be wise to amp up empathy for others, though not at the expense of asserting our solution to their problem.
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About The Smarter Sales Show:
Co-hosts of The Smarter Sales Show, Julie & Merit, are to virtual selling what peanut butter and chocolate are to snacks. Sales expertise combined with systems savvy because today you need both to be a sales professional.
Sales Tech Guru, Julie Holmes, comes from enterprise technology sales and has invented apps currently sold in dozens of countries. Sales Technique Wiz, Merit Kahn, is certified in Emotional Intelligence which she incorporates into her work with sales teams since 1998. Together, they solve sales challenges with tech and technique so you can sell more and stress less in a virtual world. 
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