Email After Hours: The Podcast for Email Senders
The Loyalty Loop: Turning Automated Emails into Customer Loyalty Gold
October 12, 2023
Enter Lauren Pestana, the Director of Brand Marketing at Drip, a rare company that prioritizes relationships over sales in the ecommerce world. In this episode, we'll delve into the power and secrets of marketing automation in building customer connections.
Dipping our toes into the email automation pool can sometimes feel like navigating uncharted waters. On one side, there's the promise of unparalleled efficiency, and on the other, the risk of cold, mechanical interactions. The challenge? Striking a balance between genuine engagement and digital prowess. After all, it isn't just about that initial sale—it's about that post-purchase glow, the lingering connection, and of course, the repeat business.

Enter Lauren Pestana, the Director of Brand Marketing at Drip, a rare company that prioritizes relationships over sales in the ecommerce world. In this episode, we'll delve into the power and secrets of marketing automation in building customer connections. 

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