That's Teaching Life
Can you have everything you want?
July 26, 2021
I was quite taken by a quote in a series that I was watching. "You can have everything you want in life but not all at the same time." Listen to my views on this, but I'm interested to know your thoughts. Find out more on RichardButler.Coach
You're listening to that, That's Life podcast by Richard Butler. Where I talk about everything to do with life and how to make it better. 

Hey, thanks for tuning in. This of course is Richard Butler and you are listening to that, That's Life podcast Now, this week I have a really interesting and thought provoking question to ask you. And that question is, can you have it all? But at different times now you may ask, well, what do I mean by that? Well, I was watching a program of the weekend with my wife and Fair warning. There is some other content here and it was called Sex Life. It's actually Sex forward slash Life and it's a netflix program or series and it's all about this woman and she kind of has everything but she's missing something in her life and she thinks about the sexual adventures that she basically had and how sexually fulfilled she was with her uh previous boyfriend lover, whatever it may be. 

And the story goes through, I think it's eight episodes about how she feels and about, you know, what she thinks of her current relationship and there's lots more to it. But the idea was that at one point she says, you can have everything in life, but not at the same time. And I thought that's a really, really, really interesting statement because maybe that's what life is about, that we experience different things at different times in our life. But when we look at our life as a whole, we can say that we had it all. We had the good times. 

We had the white picket fence times, we had the adventures, we had everything. I wonder what you think about that, because, you know, it's something that, I mean, not just the sexual end of it, but it's something that I've thought about a lot about are we living our best lives? Are we living our fullest lives? And what we see on tv, what we see on um instagram Tiktok, all of these social media's, what is the truth? And what is the reality? Like? Is everybody having the happiest time of their lives? Is everybody having just like this amazing sex? Is everybody completely fulfilled in all elements of our life And from what we see on tv, it seems to be that many people are, but we have to base ourselves. In reality, we have to base ourselves in the present moment. 

And it's something that, you know, I'm getting more and more into over the months as the months go by of present moment mindset and being happy with what we have, because we can think about the past, we can look at the other side and you know, the grass is always greener on the other side, but that doesn't mean that when you get to that other side, that everything is going to be perfect. So I do believe in what the protagonist said of, you can have everything but at different stages in your life because we always give something up. Well we do something because life is holistic. So if you have the career, you could be giving up time on your family, if you are married, you could be giving up time on casual relationships or maybe not. Um but you know what I mean by that, if you have the casual relationships, well then you may experience loneliness and at each point in our life we can experience different things. But what we have then is a whole picture of life. We've had the good times, we've had the bad times, we've had the stagnant times, we have this, we have that and maybe that's the way we should look at life and think about life like steve jobs said once that we don't realize a lot of what's happened in life and why until we look backwards and join the dots, because you are the person that you are today because of everything that's happened in your past and your past is may have many great memories, but it shouldn't affect the present moment because the present moment is all that we have. 

And when we think about the good times in the past, we only remember the good times. We don't remember the negative and bad times that may have accompanied that. And this goes and is told a lot in this particular series. And if we only remember the good times and we try and relive those good times, the problem is they will never be as good as we remember them because we're not the same person, we have changed, we have transformed into somebody else and hopefully a better version of ourselves now, if you're not living the life that you feel you should be well, then you need to stop and think and say, what am I doing? Why am I not living this life that I want to live? What have I sacrificed? And am I happy having sacrificed that? And if you're not, then perhaps it is time to think I'll make a change. Yeah. Over the next couple of months I am going to start providing mindfulness coaching and transformational coaching because sometimes what you need is to talk to somebody to get everything out in the open and get an objective here. Now, if this is something that interests you, make sure that you check out my website, Richard Butler dot Coach and you'll see the services that are provide. 

I provide a range of coaching services. But you know, I want to be happy in my life. I want to do what makes me happy within the constraints of everybody else who's in my life because I can't just think about myself, I can't be just selfish because my actions do have consequences, but that's where I'm at. That's where I'm happy right now. I'm living the best life that I have and it is a really good life. So if you want to to find out more, just either reach out to me, email me as well, Richard at Richard Butler dot Coach and I'm interested to know what you think about this particular podcast. So do reach out, sign up for my newsletter and I will talk to you very soon. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure that you subscribe and check out my website. Richard Butler dot coach Garcia next time

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