Retain: The Customer Retention Podcast
Customer Experience Legend: The Power of Listening, Obsess Over Retention & Why Social Media is the Great Equalizer
June 4, 2024
In this Greatest Hits episode, Lauren is joined by New York Times best-selling author, Dave Kerpen. In the episode, the pair discuss the power of listening in both marketing and life, how social media can be used as part of a customer retention strategy, and why social media is the great equalizer.
In this Greatest Hits episode, Lauren is joined by New York Times best-selling author, Dave Kerpen. As a serial entrepreneur, Dave spins many plates. One of which is being the Co-founder and Executive Chairman of Apprentice, a platform connecting entrepreneurs with smart and motivated college students. Dave is also a renowned international keynotes speaker on all things business and marketing. Simply put, when Dave talks, you should listen.

In the episode, Lauren and Dave discuss the power of listening in both marketing and life, how social media can be used as part of a customer retention strategy, and why social media is the great equalizer.

To find out how you can turn visitors and occasional buyers into loyal, life-time customers, head to Gameball.

Want to turn casual buyers into loyal, lifetime customers? Well, click here to book a demo with Gameball.

Retain: The Customer Retention Podcast is handcrafted by our friends over at:

Previous guests include: Dave Kerpen, Shep Hyken, Joey Coleman, Dan Gingiss, Brittany Hodak, Ron Kaufman and Jim Tincher.

Check out the three most downloaded episodes: 

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