HOP Into Action Podcast Series
The C Word in Safety with Carsten Busch - Part One
August 25, 2021
Welcome to the 49th episode of the podcast series. In today's show, Brent Sutton and Brent Robinson discuss with Carsten Busch the C-Word in Safety and his new book The First Rule of Safety Culture: A Counter-C-Word Manifesto.
Hi Safety FM listeners, this is Brent Sutton, one of the co-hosts of the new podcast series The Practice of Learning Teams, with my fellow co-hosts Glynis McCarthy and Brent Robinson.

Our goal is to support you on your journey and build a better community of practice for Learning Teams.

On today's show, Brent Sutton and Brent Robinson spend time with safety mythologist and historian Carsten Busch.

Carsten is the Indiana Jones of Safety and the author of the books:

1) Preventing Industrial Accidents: Reappraising H. W. Heinrich – More than Triangles and Dominoes
2) Safety Myth 101: Musings on Myths, Misunderstandings and More
3) If You Can’t Measure It… Maybe You Shouldn’t: Reflections on Measuring Safety, Indicators, and Goals

This week Carsten published his new book The First Rule of Safety Culture: A Counter-C-Word Manifesto.

Does the World really need another book about the C-word in Safety, being culture?

Carsten would say NO, and his new book is about thinking critically about Safety Culture.

Structured into six parts, the book covers Safety Culture discourse, approaches, and applications critically. For example, whether we should see culture as a tool to fix something or rather as a lens to study and understand.

The book also tries to offer some useful and practical suggestions for different approaches, or at least different ways to think about these subjects.

WARNING! If you ever wanted to become a culture architect, hopefully, you will think twice after reading this.

Please sit back and enjoy this two-part series as we discuss the C-word in Safety with Carsten. 

Please share your thoughts about this episode @ podcastlearnings.com

Be part of the journey with Learning Teams @ learningteamscommunity.com

And don't forget, the book "The Practice of Learning Teams" is available in printed and Kindle editions on Amazon or from the author's website.