Life Back On Track
What accountability are you using?
October 1, 2021
When you are attempting to achieve anything, one of the best things that you can use is accountability? Have you put any thought into who or what is keeping you accountable so you can achieve what you say you want to achieve? If you have any questions or feedback, you can send an email to I also have a weekly online radio show called “All About Relationships” that is broadcast live on Thursdays at 6:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT and replayed on Sundays at 2:00pm (AWST) +8hrs GMT. You can also listen to all of the episodes through my podcast. Just search “Wayne Brown All About Relationships”
Hi, This is Wayne Brown from Life Back On Track. Welcome to the latest episode.

In this one, I want to talk to you about something that's quite critical when it comes to improving your life, becoming a better version of you, trying to achieve any sort of goal, and that is something that's called accountability

Now, accountability is something external to yourself that holds you to what you say you want. So that could be a friend who you make a vow to, that you will do a particular thing or achieve a certain thing. It could be setting up some sort of punishment. If you don't achieve that particular goal, it could be someone who keeps putting in front of you the challenges that are holding you back to make sure that you overcome them. These sorts of things are critical in achieving what it is anyone wants to achieve in their life.

Generally, there is something that drives us on, and that drive has to be greater than any fear we have, because if you're trying to achieve something and a fear keeps stopping you, that's not a good thing. If you have someone or something that can keep you going, that is something that's worth hanging onto. That thing could be like I said, someone who will hold you accountable by putting in front of you your fears and saying "You said you do this. Why didn't you?" "What's stopping you? How can we get you past that?" Someone who has a great desire to see you achieve is someone that you want on your team. Someone who, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be, holds you accountable to make sure that you confront what it is that stopping you from achieving that so that you can.

An example I read many years ago was two ladies, and I may have spoken about this before, however, it's a good story and worth repeating. Two ladies wanted to try and lose weight. They had tried all the diets, the exercise, everything. Nothing had worked. They decided to make an accountability with each other that would guarantee their success. What they did is they went to the supermarket and they bought a tin of dog food. They had to make sure that the dog food contained horse-meat, it had to clearly say on the label contains horse meat.

The deal was if one of them said they didn't want to exercise or they thought that a good enough excuse not to exercise and they missed a session. They then had to eat that can of dog meat. How this worked for them is every time they felt like opting out, coming up with an excuse. They looked at the can of dog meat, saw that it contained horse-meat and went, "There's no way I'm eating that I'm exercising". So when you have something that's that painful, it will push you through any fear, hesitation or doubt that you've got.

A good one that I heard of a number of years ago is there's a number of these websites now where they will list a number of charities or research options that you would never support in your normal life. What you do is you put up a sizeable chunk of your cash. They put in a holding account, and if you fail to achieve that goal that you say you'll achieve, they give your money to that entity that you would never normally support. The driver of that is knowing that you would then be funding something that you're totally against, and then that gives you something on your conscience that makes you think I've got to make sure I do this thing.

So no matter what it is, if you have a big enough driver, you will keep doing it. I know for myself, mine is, I found the two things that would help me push through my fears. And every time I have a doubt, a hesitation or fear anything like that, I think of these two things and that manages to push me past that fear every time. So today's episode is What's your accountability? What are you using to hold you accountable for what it is you say you want to achieve? Do you have someone who's willing to call you on your journey and say, "Come on. You said you were going to do X, pull your socks up, get on with it", or is it going to be a website or some sort of punishment, like the dog food that will ensure that you get past that discomfort into your results?

The really cool thing about having this sort of thing is it helps you develop a momentum, and once you have a momentum. All you've got to do is keep it going, and then it's a lot easier to achieve what it is you say you want to achieve. So today's is what is your accountability. I want you to think about that. If you don't have any, find some because that's one thing that you're definitely going to need in this journey.

Okay, that's it for today. Thanks for listening. Glad my podcast is growing and I'm getting more and more people. So thank you for listening. Feel free to share it with your friends. I'd love that. You can send me a message if you want. Click the link in the show notes, and you can send me a ninety-second voicemail or send an email or even snail mail. Either way, be great to have some feedback. So look after yourselves. Keep up the good work and remember, here's to a good life.

You can listen to the Life Back On Track podcast on your favourite platform by visiting our podcast website. Click HERE to check it out. 

You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

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You can listen to the Life Back On Track podcast on your favourite platform by visiting our podcast website. Click HERE to check it out. 

You can also listen to my radio show “All About Relationships” which has its own podcast on your favourite platform by clicking HERE 

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