That's Teaching Life
Plan tomorrow today
May 9, 2022
A lesson I learnt and actually implemented yesterday and I feel great!
You're listening to that. That's Life podcast by Richard Butler where I talk about everything to do with life and how to make it better.

Hey, how's it going? It's Richard Butler and yes, I've been absent a little bit. If you're listening to this podcast every week, you may notice I missed two weeks and I promise I have a very good reason. Well I have a very good reason for one of the week's. Um, and that was last week because I was away in Ireland and I hadn't pre recorded a podcast so I didn't have my equipment. I was enjoying myself.

I was eating irish breakfasts. I have a ton of excuses, whichever one that you want. But I'm back and today I'm talking about something that happened yesterday and that is yesterday I planned for today and today's lesson is all about that planning for tomorrow today because on saturday I went down to the office to do some recording and I said, I better go down on sunday. But I didn't really have any plan on what I wanted to do on sunday from the office. But I said, if I got into the office, I'll get something done. And then he said, no, it's a beautiful day and I decided that what I would do is I would actually plan out my week on sunday, take about an hour planning my week.

I'm actually looking at my template here, my weekly template and have all of my hours planned out with any private clients that I have any planning I need to do. Um, for example right now? I have it planned out to do the podcast and that's what I'm doing. And the idea is that the more we have things planned out, even if we don't get everything done, at least we know what needs to be done. So for example, I know that One of the plans that I have at seven o'clock tonight, one of the clients, I don't start back with her until the end of the month, but I still block at that time because what I'll do is I'll actually go home, I'll leave the office and I will do some other work during that time. So some planning for later on in the week and I have some flex flexibility in because I have for example, a couple of times slots where I either have a private client or if not we'll do some planning or I have a discovery called and if not I'll do some planning.

So when I look at my schedule, I know what I should be doing and I can slot in things from my to do list. So this is just like blocking at the time that I need to do certain things. And it made me feel a lot better this morning actually because I I woke up this morning and I've gone to bed really early. Like I mean really early for me as I was in bed by half 11 and the alarm went off at 6 40 I always snooze it twice, so for 20 minutes, So seven o'clock rolled by and I snooze it again and I just didn't feel like getting out of bed because I was so comfortable. So I got out of bed, I have got into a habit now for the last 16 days, maybe meditating every single morning for in and around 10 to 12 minutes. And when I finished my meditation, I was just like, I'm gonna go back to bed and I went back to bed for a little while. But you see, I felt really good Because I knew that at eight o'clock I had to be up and at least doing some sort of planning. So from eight until let's be realistic from about half eight until 10. Actually planned out two of my sessions with clients this week that I needed to plan out in more detail and then I walked down to the office at 10 o'clock to 10 30. Like I have my plan 1030-11, I have my podcast, which I'm doing now and then I have a couple of Private clients from 11, onwards. And I know looking at my plan that, you know, today is a busy day, I'm not sure, I'll have to have lunch probably at half one, which is really early for me, but I know everything that I have to do. So I think I feel better. I mean, I feel I'm going to get a lot more done, I feel that I've started the week without stress because I know exactly what I need to do and when I need to do it and I wanted to share that with you really to say if you are stressed out.

I mean the an example is the other day at my meditation class which I do every friday, one of the girls was just like I don't have time to militate, it's just I'm so stressed, it's just like get up in the morning and I have to do this and that and the other end, then I can't do it and blah blah blah and I felt so sorry for her because she really was stressed. But one of the things I've learned, especially working for myself is you have to plan out your time because if you don't plan out your time it's just not gonna work for you, it's just going to be really, really difficult. So my thought for this week is have you a plan made out, are you being a busy fool? And this is a quote that I use from Alex jefferies, a guy that I know that I follow and respect and he talks about this that we can be busy fools, meaning that we can be busy doing nothing, So you may say Oh I work you know 14 hours a day, but are you being productive? I'm hoping this week, I'm going to be even more productive than in previous weeks. So I want you to start to plan out your day.

I want you to see what you need to do, you know, during every hour and just block out those hours so that you know more or less what you're gonna do, you might actually do everything that you want to do, but at least you know what you need to do and yeah,

I need to also tell you that I've started a new website called and it's for helping people overcome the tech issues that they may have when it comes to consulting or teaching or coaching online. Take a look if you're interested, let me know what you think and I wish I'll talk to you next week. Mhm. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure that you subscribe and check out my website. Richard Blanco dot coach. I'll see you next time.

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