Positive Solutions 4 Life-Transforming Your Mind & Body from the Inside Out
"Worthy" by Jamie Kern Lima--Book Summary
March 8, 2024
In this episode, Peggy gives the highlights that she learned from Jamie Kern Lima's book, Worthy. These include: -The difference between Self-Confidence & Self-Worth -The 9 Lies to Unlearn (Peggy highlights 4 of the lies.) -Four Keys of fulfillment: Self-worth, Self-confidence, Growth, Contribution and how, if you don't have self-worth, you won't be fulfilled.
The 9 Lies to Unlearn:
  1. My weight impacts my worth
  2. I should only be seen when I'm happy
  3. I don't deserve better
  4. I don't have anything special to offer
  5. I need to please them in order to love me
  6. If I stand out I'll get kicked out
  7. I'm not enough on my own, I'm an imposter
  8. If I'm me I won't be loved
  9. Labels are permanent

Jamie gives so many real life examples of all of the ideas in the book which  are so relatable which makes it so easy to understand and see how you can apply this in your own life. 

Jamie also presents a number of tools and strategies readers can use right now to improve and build their self-worth. 

This book is truly a masterpiece on creating and building your dream life from the inside out! If you are needing a boost in self-confidence, self-love, and self-worth this book has the tools you need to believe in yourself, believe you're worthy, believe you're enough and live a truly fulfilling and authentic life. Please get your copy today! Read it or get the audio version and share it with others.

Thank you Jamie Kern Lima for this beautiful, beautiful, life changing book, Worthy.

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